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topographically Meaning in Bengali



topographically শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

ভূসংস্থানিকভাবে, জেলাকে দুটি ভাগে বিভক্ত করা যেতে পারে - (ক) পশ্চিম, পূর্ব ও উত্তরের ।

ভূসংস্থানিকভাবে, কল্যাণী মহকুমাটি রাণাঘাট-চাকদহ সমভূমির একটি অংশ, জেলার দক্ষিণ-পূর্বাঞ্চলে ।

ভূসংস্থানিকভাবে কঠোর জঙ্গলাকীর্ণ ভূখন্ডে বিপজ্জনক ভূমিক্ষয় বা এমনকি ভূমিধ্বস প্রতিরোধ ।

ভূসংস্থানিকভাবে, এটি ভারতীয় প্লেটের অধীন, যা ভারতীয় উপমহাদেশের দক্ষিণ হিমালয় এবং ।

ভূসংস্থানিকভাবে অঞ্চলটি দুইটি স্বতন্ত্র অংশে বিভক্ত ।

ভূসংস্থানিকভাবে, তুর্কমেনিস্তান উত্তরে উস্টিয়ার মালভূমি, দক্ষিণে কোপেট দাগ রেঞ্জ, ।

topographically's Usage Examples:

The following sortable table lists Earth's 40 most topographically isolated summits.

transition zone between plains and low relief hills and the adjacent topographically higher mountains, hills, and uplands.

most topographically prominent mountain in both the Humboldt Range and Pershing County in Nevada, United States.

It is the sixth-most topographically prominent.

Crazy Peak is also the most topographically prominent peak in Montana.

thirty-seventh among the most topographically prominent peaks in the state.

It is also both the highest and most topographically prominent peak of the greater.

Brodmann-1909 did not regard it as homologous, either topographically or cytoarchitecturally, to rostral area 12 of the human.

A mound may be any rounded area of topographically higher elevation on any surface.

large vertical relief contributes to Mount Hayes being the 51st most topographically prominent peak in the world.

It is one of the twenty most topographically prominent peaks in Alaska.

ninth-highest mountain in the state, and also ranks as the fifth-most topographically prominent peak in the state.

It is the most topographically prominent peak in Elko County and the fourth-most prominent peak in.

topographic prominence of 7,563 feet (2,305 m), Wheeler Peak is the most topographically prominent peak in White Pine County and the second-most prominent peak.

It is the seventh-most topographically prominent peak in the state.

terrain, and hence is a highly visible landmark and the sixth most topographically prominent peak in the state.

Though not a fourteener, West Spanish Peak is the twelfth most topographically prominent peak in the state.

It is also on the New England Fifty Finest list of the most topographically prominent peaks.

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