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tour de force Meaning in Bengali


সফর দে বল,

tour de force's Usage Examples:

The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reviewed the book as "A tour de force of the global abuse and manipulation of women" and commended Carter's.

Wieseman describes the etching as a "technical tour de force, incorporating an enormous diversity of printmaking styles and techniques":.

preparation of the pure compound, reported in 1989, was hailed as a "tour de force.

It was a critical success as well as an artistic and technical tour de force: 33 actors, 4 hours long, 7 sets, 24 scenes.

The book is a tour de force for de Camp, bringing together features of several of the types of fiction.

The book set stands as a tour de force demonstration of literate programming.


turn up the pressure; act; pressure; steamroller; terrorise; drive; compel; obligate; sandbag; move; coerce; bring oneself; bludgeon; hale; dragoon; oblige; squeeze; railroad; terrorize; turn up the heat; squeeze for; steamroll;


refrain; ride; linger; precede; descend;

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