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towerless Meaning in Bengali


বলহীন, ঠুঁটা, ক্ষমতাশূন্য, ক্ষমতাবতী, শাসন মানানর ক্ষমতাহীন, শাসন করার ক্ষমতাহীন, অধিকারহীন, অশক্ত, অসহায়, অক্ষম, শক্তিহীন, ক্ষমতাহীন,

towerless শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

(১৮৫২-৫৩) উপন্যাসে আইনব্যবস্থার জটিলতা ও শ্লথগতি এবং তার সুযোগ নিয়ে উকিলদের অসহায় মক্কেলদের নির্মম শোষণ ও বঞ্চনা, লিটল ডোরিট (১৮৫৫-৫৬) উপন্যাসে সরকারি আমলাতন্ত্রের ।

নীলফামারীর সৈয়দপুরে বসবাসকারী হিন্দু ধর্মাবলম্বী মাড়োয়ারিরা এ হত্যাযজ্ঞের অসহায় বলি ।

এবং মেয়েদের শিক্ষা বিস্তার এবং অসহায় মহিলাদের রক্ষাকার্যে আত্মনিয়োগ করেন ।

এছাড়া অনেক গরীব ও অসহায় রোগীরাও এখান থেকে স্বল্প মূল্যে, কিছু কিছু ক্ষেত্রে বিনামূল্যে চিকিৎসা সেবা ।

তাঁর শাসনকালের শেষ দিকে অবশ্য রাজকার্য পরিচালনায় অশক্ত হয়ে পড়েন ।

towerless's Usage Examples:

If implemented, the Orion/Ares I stack would have resembled the towerless Gemini-Titan stack used between 1965–1966, in which ejection seats were.

Church (Icelandic: Setbergskirkja [ˈsɛːtˌpɛrksˌcʰɪr̥ca]) is a small, towerless wooden church located in Setberg.

The tower was not restored and the church remains towerless.

(Beauvais Cathedral (today towerless and 48.

5 metres tall)) 1569 Beauvais  France tower collapsed in 1573, today towerless and 48.

This church, called the Readtsjerkje, was a towerless church built of tuff.

Over the west end of the nave is a towerless spire covered in slate.

In 1866 they built a small, towerless Classicist church in the village centre that was restored in the early.

The towerless church was built of finely hewn sandstone blocks.

This consists of a towerless stone-built nave and chancel in what Nikolaus Pevsner describes as "uninspired".

building today, Although the original church was likely to have been low and towerless, this changed as the village become more wealthy.

The famous western facade is towerless with five gabled porches with flying buttresses above the aisles that.

was reconstructed and expanded in the early 14th century with a larger towerless church and a quadrangular set of buildings providing the friars with privacy.

It was built between 1911 and 1913 on the site of a towerless wooden church built in 1850.

The current towerless stone church, constructed in 1821, reflects Classicism and Romantic period.

The synagogue exterior has a towerless, seven-pillared colonnade facing Heydukova Street.

1880, another earthquake toppled its bell tower, rendering the cathedral towerless until 1958.

(Karmeliterkirche) and former Carmelite monastery, Karmeliterstraße – originally towerless aisleless church, under construction in 1320, aisle 1439–1444; monastery.

The exterior has a towerless, seven-pillared colonnade.

and other houses, it is only possible to see the church with its mighty towerless façade that overlooks the other buildings of the old town.

It has been described as the ″most brilliant example of a towerless façade in Germany″.

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