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traces Meaning in Bengali

 সন্ধান, পথচিহ্ন, পদচিহ্ন, গমনপথ, সামান্য প্রামাণিক সাক্ষ্য, দিশা, তল্লাশ, পাত্ত, উদ্দেশ, ঠিকঠিকানা, ঠিকানা, খোঁজ, খোঁজখবর,


ঠিকানা, ঠিকঠিকানা, উদ্দেশ, পাত্ত, খোঁজখবর, খোঁজ, তল্লাশ, দিশা, সামান্য প্রামাণিক সাক্ষ্য, গমনপথ, পদচিহ্ন, সন্ধান, পথচিহ্ন,


খুঁজিয়া বাহির করা, খুঁজা, চলা, পায়ে পায়ে অনুসরণ করা, পথানুসরণ করা, পথচিহ্ন অনুসরণ করা, রচনা করা, লেখা, বর্ণনা করা, আঁকা,

traces's Usage Examples:

the board and soldered to traces on the other side.

"Surface mount" components are attached by their leads to copper traces on the same side of the board.

The study of traces - ichnology - divides into paleoichnology, or the study of trace fossils, and neoichnology, the study of modern traces.

Norse myth traces the origin of the jötnar to the proto-being Ymir, a result of growth or.

The project traces its history to work done in the 1990s by Kew researcher Rafaël Govaerts.

The movement largely traces to the theories of French author Émile Zola.

Literary Naturalism traces back most directly to Émile Zola's "The.

because of the mining history around Bodmin Moor, the water is polluted with traces of aluminium and copper; both these effects have led to smaller populations.

Desi traces its origin to the people of countries of India, Pakistan and Bangladesh.

androstendione products contaminated with traces of bolandione may also result in testing positive for nandrolone.

The light-toned layers may contain sulfates which are good for preserving traces of ancient life.

The word traces its origins back to the Latin lux, meaning "light", and generally implies.


follow; observe; keep an eye on; keep up; watch over; study; analyse; canvass; canvas; watch; examine; keep abreast; analyze;


discharge; level; misconception; erase; hide;

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