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tradesmen Meaning in Bengali

 কারিগরগণ, পণ্যজীবী, দোকানদার,


দোকানদার, পণ্যজীবী, কারিগরগণ,

tradesmen শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

ট্রেনটি চালু হবার পর, রাজ্যের বাইরে থেকে কিছু পণ্যজীবী ও ব্যবসায়ী এসে স্থানীয় মানুষের সাথে মতবিনিময় শুরু করে ।

মৃৎশিল্পে নীল ঔজ্জ্বল্যের ব্যবহারটি হল একটা আমদানিকৃত কারিগরি; মঙ্গোল কারিগরগণ পারসিক আলংকারিক শিল্পের সঙ্গে চিনা চাকচিক্যময় প্রযুক্তি মিলিয়ে এই শিল্পের ।

হস্তশিল্প তৈরিতে কারিগরগণ সবচেয়ে গুরুত্বপূর্ণ ভূমিকা পালন করে থাকে ।

কিন্তু স্থানীয় কারিগরগণ মসজিদের গম্বুজ নির্মাণে ব্যর্থ হন ।

tradesmen's Usage Examples:

is a traditional, box-shaped, folded paper hat, formerly worn by craft tradesmen such as carpenters, masons, painters and printers.

longer an association of tradesmen in its original sense of control, yet its membership today still includes craft tradesmen, and its activities engage.

his campaign work to abolish Plate Duties – a tax affecting jewellery tradesmen of the time.

which was run as a tight oligarchy that appointed a ruling magistrate; tradesmen and craftsmen were excluded from power, until internal strife produced.

incorporated under a Royal Charter in 1665, is no longer an association of tradesmen that retains its ancient powers, but now operates as a charitable institution.

bakers, confectioners, candle makers, silversmiths, apothecaries and other tradesmen.

Guidelines were put in place to promote responsible tradesmen, who were held accountable for their own work and to protect the individual.

previously, the consequences of which were the displacement of the master tradesmen, a reduction of the power of the patrician bourgeoisie, who had until.

neighbourhood Mafiosi to cut through bureaucracy or resolve disputes with other tradesmen.

1651, he was promoted to be the grand vizier following an uprising of tradesmen in Istanbul.


florist; dry cleaner; newsvendor; newsdealer; shopkeeper; tobacconist; tradespeople; merchant; newsagent; hosier; cleaner; market keeper; newsstand operator; merchandiser; storekeeper;

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