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tragopan Meaning in Bengali

বুদ্ধিদীপ্তভাবে মাথায় wattles এবং দুই মাংসল প্রসেস থাকার এশিয়ান রঙ্গীন পক্ষীবিশেষ রঙ্গিন

tragopan's Usage Examples:

Blyth's tragopan (Tragopan blythii) or the grey-bellied tragopan, is a pheasant that is a vulnerable species.

The subfamily includes pheasants, tragopans, junglefowl, peafowl, and similar birds.

Cabot's tragopan (Tragopan caboti) is a pheasant found in south-east China.

The western tragopan or western horned tragopan (Tragopan melanocephalus) is a medium-sized brightly plumed pheasant found along the Himalayas from north-eastern.

The satyr tragopan (Tragopan satyra) also known as the crimson horned pheasant, is a pheasant found in the Himalayan reaches of India, Tibet, Nepal and.

Temminck's tragopan (Tragopan temminckii) is a medium-sized, approximately 64 cm long, pheasant in the genus Tragopan.

Nesting usually occurs on the ground; only the tragopans nest higher up in trees or stumps of bushes.

Pheasants Tragopans Blyth's tragopan (T.

blythii) Cabot's tragopan (T.

caboti) Western tragopan (T.

melanocephalus) Satyr tragopan (T.

Among the animals that make their homes here include the tragopan, the tiger and leopard.

subfamily was considered monophyletic and separated from the pheasants, tragopans, junglefowls, and peafowls (Phasianinae) till the early 1990s, molecular.

Black francolin Francolinus francolinus Himachal Pradesh Western tragopan (Jujurana) Tragopan melanocephalus Jharkhand Asian Koel Eudynamys scolopacea Karnataka.

Like the western tragopan, it does not extend its range above the tree line.

tragopan's Meaning':

brilliantly colored Asian pheasant having wattles and two fleshy processes on the head

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