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traitorously Meaning in Bengali

traitorously's Usage Examples:

Defence Act continued to carry a mandatory death sentence if committed traitorously, although no one was executed for that since 1945.

His act of attainder states that he and three others "have most traitorously adhered themselves unto the bishop of Rome, being a common enemy unto.

Lithuanian armies on the raid on Brandenburg and on the way back he was traitorously killed by a Masovian knight.

Westhorseley which the said Carewe traitorously received, which letters they afterwards, to conceal their treason, traitorously burnt at Westhorseley and Bedyngton.

24 August – David Tyrie, a naval clerk who has traitorously corresponded with the French, becomes the last man in Britain to be hanged.

a war was being carried on by the German Realm against our King, did traitorously adhere to the King's enemies in Germany, by broadcasting propaganda.

a great host, traitorously intending, imagining and conspiring the destruction of the king's royal.

District, Xi'an, Shaanxi), his previous capital, because the latter had traitorously gone over to Xiang Yu after surrendering to Liu Bang in September 206.

to the High Court of Justice after the king was declared as having "traitorously and maliciously levyed war against the present parliament and the people.

did not want to betray the king, implied that the queen was behaving traitorously.

Berkeley as guilty of each and every one of the same, and as one who has traitorously attempted, violated, and injured his Majesty’s interest here by a loss.

Duncan hears of Macbeth's victory and executes the Thane of Cawdor for traitorously allying with Norse invaders, giving Macbeth his title.

"Some of your Machiavelian crew From heavy roof of Paul Most traitorously stole every screw, To make that fabric fall; And so to catch Her Majesty.

the order as part of his wider Dissolution since they "maliciously and traitorously upheld the 'Bishop of Rome' to be Supreme Head of Christ's Church" and.

his adherents in his and their wicked practices, to the same ends hath traitorously and maliciously levied war against the present Parliament, and the people.

The excuse given for this was a report that Lepidus had been traitorously negotiating with Sextus Pompey.

There is only circumstantial evidence that Stafford acted traitorously, although the weight of evidence against him has been described as "substantial".

His indictment stated that he "most wickedly, maliciously, and traitorously did ordain, prepare, and levy public war against our said lord, the King".

at the County Hall in Derby, charged in the main of "maliciously and traitorously [endeavouring].


faithlessly; treacherously; treasonably; false;


right; honest; true; falsity; sincere;

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