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tranquilly Meaning in Bengali

tranquilly's Usage Examples:

Because "everything was joined together {harmosthenai} tranquilly and harmoniously", Heraclitus argues, "[it] was reasonable for all the.

protection And the sea that tranquilly bathes your shores Promises a splendor future for you And the sea that tranquilly bathes your shores Promises a.

independent person—boy or man—in the community, and by consequence he was tranquilly and continuously happy and envied by the rest of us.

film, well-written, well-directed and well-played, and it reconciles us tranquilly to the vista it has opened of a 'Four Mothers' (although part of that.

Dwelling in one's true abode, unconcerned with and without - The river flows tranquilly on and the flowers are red.

At Kotagiri he tranquilly engaged in the study and translation of the Vedas.

die When thou so fair art shining! O Sun, in such a glorious sky, So tranquilly declining; He cannot leave thee now, While fresh west winds are blowing.

stout board, and the sisters, each taking her position at a corner, went tranquilly over the rough waters of the bay.

Several members of the family choose to continue to live tranquilly on their island while several of them return to Europe with the British.

would later claim that at the time of the coup he had been "sleeping tranquilly in my private residence, when at about 7:30 in the morning I was awoken.

passer-by into mounting him, usually by pretending to be tame and standing tranquilly at the side of a path, he would immediately make for the nearest deep.

This may be done by sitting tranquilly, then making affirmations regarding the eternal nature of the soul, the.

developed, leading to a central section in D-flat major, which begins tranquilly and gradually increases in intensity.

Looking tranquilly ahead, I am sure that they will win freedom.

Even his tranquilly conducted education, at the hands of his private tutor, Canon Duckworth.

should observe the mental processes within: "View your own consciousness tranquilly and attentively, so that you can see how it is always moving, like flowing.

with Lily), Robin and Ted wake up one Sunday morning to find Marshall tranquilly making the pancakes Lily used to make, thus taking the first big step.

He lived there tranquilly until an unforeseen incident brought him once more before the world.

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