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transmissive Meaning in Bengali


হস্তান্তরণ, প্রেষণ,

transmissive শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

এঁরা একটি ছোটো প্রেষণ পাহাড়া দিচ্ছিলেন যা পরবর্তীতেসান আন্টনিও). স্মরণ করূন আলামো! টেক্সাস বিদ্রোহের ।

কাচের প্রতিসারক, প্রতিফলক এবং প্রেষণ বৈশিষ্ট্যসমূহ কাচকে আলোক লেন্স, প্রিজম এবং আলোকতড়িৎ বিজ্ঞানের সামগ্রী প্রস্তুতের ।

চরিত্রে পাপের বৈশিষ্ট্য) বক্তব্য ও বর্ণনার ক্ষেত্রে তথ্যের নির্ভরযোগ্য হস্তান্তরণ (তওয়াতুর)-এর অভাব" উল্লেখ করে একটি বিতর্কিত তালিকা করেছিলেন ।

২০০৯ সালের ১ জুলাই প্রেষণ ছুটিতে সরকার তাকে পরিকল্পনা কমিশনের সদস্য হিসেবে নিয়োগ প্রদান করে ।

transmissive's Usage Examples:

Such gratings can be either transmissive or reflective.

a videodisc format developed by McDonnell-Douglas in 1984 that was a transmissive laser-based playback medium (unlike its competitor, LaserDisc, which.

that reflects and transmits light (transflective is a portmanteau of transmissive and reflective).

display) or the displayed information can be projected to a screen (transmissive or reflective screen).

holds that nose grease was used to reduce stray light and reflections in transmissive telescopes before the development of vacuum antireflective coatings.

Thomson CSF created a system that uses thin flexible video discs and a transmissive laser system, with light source and pickup on opposite sides of the disc.

light-transmitting concrete) is a concrete based building material with light-transmissive properties due to embedded light optical elements — usually optical fibers.

The most common approach is transmissive pulse oximetry.

The other method is to block the light (a transmissive LV).

Uniaxial crystals are transmissive optical elements in which the refractive index of one crystal axis is different from the other two crystal axes (i.

LDT values are relevant to both transmissive and reflective optical elements and in applications where the laser induced.

National Bureau of Standards, whose work on the transmissive properties of tinted glass has contributed to the design of satisfactory.

By way of comparison, some LCD projectors use transmissive LCD, allowing light to pass through the liquid crystal.

partially transmissive mirror and the 100% reflective mirror, and thus the light travels back and forth between the partially transmissive mirror and.

The reflective and transmissive cases are very similar to the emissive case, with a few differences.

7 million colours) transmissive LCD technology Rear camera 5.

Electro-optic displays can be realized with that effect in the transmissive and reflective mode of operation.

delay enables applications such as high-resolution 3D reflective and transmissive imaging as well as index contrast imaging.

75MHz MIPS-based RISC processor, 16Mb of RAM, 16Mb of ROM, color 320 240 transmissive LCD screen, Type II CompactFlash slot, 115Kbits/sec infrared serial port.

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