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trefoil Meaning in Bengali

 ত্রিপদ উদ্ভিদ



trefoil শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

পাতা ত্রিপত্র যুক্ত, সবুজ, ডিম্বাকার ; পত্রফলকের অগ্রভাগ সূঁচাল ।

(৬.৯ ইঞ্চি) লম্বা এবং তার মাথা, একটি বাহুবন্ধনি, এবং মূলত লাল রঙ্গক ভরা ত্রিপত্র নকশার সঙ্গে সজ্জিত একজন শ্মশ্রুধারী মানুষ ।

(১৯৬৬), ছোটদের শ্রেষ্ঠ গল্প (১৯৬৯) চকমকি (১৯৪৫) মস্কোতে কয়েক দিন (১৯৫৯) ত্রিপত্র (১৯২৬) ১৯৫৫ খ্রিষ্টাব্দে তিনি পশ্চিমবঙ্গ রাজ্য সরকারের কাছ থেকে “রবীন্দ্র ।

মন্দিরটিতে ধনুকাকৃতি ত্রিপত্র ছাউনির নিচে বিস্তৃত দেউড়ি রয়েছে ।

trefoil's Usage Examples:

A trefoil (from the Latin trifolium, "three-leaved plant") is a graphic form composed of the outline of three overlapping rings, used in architecture.

Common names include common bird's-foot trefoil, eggs and bacon, birdsfoot deervetch, and just bird's-foot trefoil, though the latter name is often also.

Miss Kari Aas designed the World Trefoil emblem that was adopted at the World Conference in 1930, a gold trefoil on a blue background.

International ionizing radiation trefoil symbol Yellow and magenta ionizing radiation trefoil used in the US Early ionizing radiation symbol.

knot theory, a branch of mathematics, the trefoil knot is the simplest example of a nontrivial knot.

The trefoil can be obtained by joining together the.

A similar shape with three rings is called a trefoil.

The quatrefoil enjoyed its peak popularity during the Gothic and Renaissance.

The trefoil horseshoe bat (Rhinolophus trifoliatus) is a species of bat in the family Rhinolophidae.

a genus in the flowering plant family Fabaceae, sometimes called tick-trefoil, tick clover, hitch hikers or beggar lice.

pedunculatus (formerly Lotus uliginosus), the big trefoil, greater bird's-foot-trefoil or marsh bird's-foot trefoil, is a member of the pea family (Fabaceae).

The trefoil knot fold is a protein fold in which the protein backbone is twisted into a trefoil knot shape.

(λωτός), is a genus of flowering plants that includes most bird's-foot trefoils (also known as bacon-and-eggs) and deervetches and contains many dozens.

The trefoil-toothed giant rat (Lenomys meyeri) is a species of rodent in the family Muridae.

Clover or trefoil are common names for plants of the genus Trifolium (Latin, tres "three" + folium "leaf"), consisting of about 300 species of flowering.

of a trefoil knot with its reflection.

It is closely related to the granny knot, which is also a connected sum of two trefoils.

Because the trefoil knot.

identical trefoil knots.

It is closely related to the square knot, which can also be described as a connected sum of two trefoils.


architectural ornament;

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