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tremolite Meaning in Bengali

একটি সাদা বা ফ্যাকাশে সবুজ খনিজ (ক্যালসিয়াম ম্যাগনেসিয়াম সিলিকেট

tremolite's Usage Examples:

Tremolite, while it is a metamorphic amphibole, is derived most usually from highly metamorphosed ultramafic rocks, and thus tremolite-talc schist.

origin include those developed in limestones by contact metamorphism (tremolite) and those formed by the alteration of other ferromagnesian minerals (such.

and tremolite.

Traces of talc, tremolite and.

Associated minerals include: epidote, tremolite, glaucophane, orthoclase, quartz and calcite.

a variety of the calcium, magnesium, and iron-rich amphibole minerals tremolite or actinolite (aggregates of which also make up one form of asbestos).

In ultramafic rocks the assemblage is serpentine, talc, forsterite, tremolite and chlorite.

Ferro-actinolite is the ferrous iron-rich endmember of the actinolite-tremolite continuous solid solution series of the double chain calcareous amphibole.

serendibite include diopside, spinel, phlogopite, scapolite, calcite, tremolite, apatite, grandidierite, sinhalite, hyalophane, uvite, pargasite, clinozoisite.

frequently synthesized along with its ternary solid solution series members tremolite and cummingtonite so that the thermodynamic properties of its assemblage.

Hexagonite is the red to pink, lilac to purple manganoan variety of tremolite.

Associated minerals include garnets, vesuvianite, diopside, tremolite, epidote, plagioclase feldspar, pyroxene and calcite.

It occurs associated with tremolite, quartz, epidote, monazite, native copper, cuprite and paratacamite in.

Associated minerals include dolomite, calcite, tremolite, grossular, wollastonite, forsterite, monticellite, cuspidine, fluoborite.

stacks within the cove and the valley are of tremolite serpentine which is fine-grained and banded.

white to light green orthorhombic borate mineral, not to be confused with tremolite-actinolite.

intermediate member in a solid-solution series between magnesium-rich tremolite, Ca2(Mg5.

tremolite's Meaning':

a white or pale green mineral (calcium magnesium silicate

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