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triggering Meaning in Bengali


ঘোড়া, বন্দুকাদির ঘোড়া, বন্দুক ছুড়িবার জন্য কল,

triggering's Usage Examples:

Natural cytotoxicity triggering receptor 2 is a protein that in humans is encoded by the NCR2 gene.

primarily as a result of the decline in the price of the Ford Model T car, triggering a national shift from motorcycles to cars for cheap transportation.

Natural cytotoxicity triggering receptor 1 is a protein that in humans is encoded by the NCR1 gene.

Variant phrases such as "triggering the libs" and "melting snowflakes" are also used to refer to the strategy.

Oxygenated gasoline can cause this false triggering in early EFI systems.

Natural cytotoxicity triggering receptor 3 is a protein that in humans is encoded by the NCR3 gene.

read the triggering passage even when given a non-triggering alternative to read.

Of those who read the triggering passage, those with triggering traumas.

There are several methods of triggering.

External triggering is the most common method of operation, especially for photographic.

To understand how TRIACs work, consider the triggering in each of the four quadrants.

To switch the device, a high-voltage pulse is delivered to the triggering electrode.

It is widely used in the triggering circuits for silicon controlled rectifiers.

forward-voltage triggering gate triggering dv/dt triggering temperature triggering light triggering Forward-voltage triggering occurs when the anode–cathode.

The Court ruled that such warrants, which are issued in advance of a "triggering condition" that makes them executable, are constitutional and do not need.

stripping of gas from the affected galaxy by the intracluster medium, triggering starbursts along a tail of gas.

The most well-researched membrane receptor implicated in triggering lysis by NK cells, CD16 is a molecule of the immunoglobulin superfamily.

Regardless of the triggering method, the processor will begin interrupt processing at the next instruction.

Computation happens as a side effect of data transports: writing data into a triggering port of a functional unit triggers the functional unit to start a computation.

A tripwire is a passive triggering mechanism.

to shut down its competing Cleveland Free Times for a smaller payment, triggering a federal antitrust investigation by the U.


hair trigger; gun; gun trigger; lever;


decertify; disallow; invalidate; survive; be born;

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