<< trillion trills >>

trillions Meaning in Bengali

trillions's Usage Examples:

10,000 servers or more and to be able to process petabytes of data and trillions of records in seconds.

The merger can also create a magnetic field that is trillions of times stronger than that of Earth in a matter of one or two milliseconds.

abundant vertebrate genus in the world, numbering in the hundreds of trillions to quadrillions.

acid is created in extremely small quantities under the influence of trillions of useful microbes, working on the decay of plant matter in a soil environment.

(boost) Half precision (boost) Rays/s (billions) RTX-OPS (trillions) Tensor FLOPS (trillions) GeForce RTX 3060 February 25, 2021 "329 GA106-300-A1 GA106-302-A1.

transportation are old and systemic problems for a municipality that received trillions in oil royalties.

It will fire an intense beam of trillions of neutrinos from a production facility at Fermilab (in Illinois) over.

The Milky Way alone may have billions to trillions of rogue planets, a range which the upcoming Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope.

Annually processing billions of transactions valued at trillions of South African rand; BankservAfrica's clients include banks, corporates.

organisms are single cells, while the largest organisms are assemblages of trillions of cells.

decided to pursue long-term policies of quantitative easing (the buying of trillions of dollars worth of government bonds or other financial assets in order.

of trillions of dollars, processes hundreds of millions of book-entry deliveries, and custodies millions of securities issues worth tens of trillions of.

As of 2007, KOSPI's daily volume is hundreds of millions of shares or (trillions of won).

something quickly, but to decrypt it would take billions of years–or trillions of dollars' worth of electricity to drive the computer.

Known to travel in swarms numbering in the trillions in some years, it is believed that the grasshoppers found in the glacier.




minimum; ordinal;

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