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trilocular Meaning in Bengali



trilocular's Usage Examples:

ovaries are bi- or trilocular and one to two ovules is present per locule.

The fruit is a capsule that is typically bi- or trilocular, but in rare cases.

singularly one after the other, or in sets of twos or threes, (bilicular or trilocular).

are generally globose to ellipsoidal in shape and either biolocular or trilocular.

parts, six stamens, a single style, and a superior, three-chambered (trilocular) ovary turning into a capsule fruit at maturity.

filaments in the upper half of the flower, and 3 carpels fused into a single trilocular pistil.

Ovary superior and trilocular.

The sporangia of Psilotum are trilocular synangia resulting from the fusion of three adjacent sporangia, and these.

generally rounded triangular to round endocarp in cross-section and are trilocular, similar to the extant N.

The seed capsules are trilocular.

The trilocular, ovoid ovaries are 2–3.

The edible fruit is a uni or trilocular yellow drupe, usually with 1 (-2) seeds, fleshy mesocarp, pleasant, stony.

Female inflorescences are reduced to one flower with a trilocular ovary, surrounded by bracts.

independently fused to the perigonial tube and the fruit being a clavate trilocular capsule.

The trilocular, oblong fruit capsule contains the small ovate seeds.

syncarpous (with fused carpels), with three connate (fused) carpels and is trilocular (three locules, or chambers) or unilocular (single locule, as in Scoliopus.

ovary is inferior (below the floral parts) consisting of three chambers (trilocular).

nonlocal, relocate, relocation, translocate, translocation, translocative, trilocular, unilocular log-, -logy word, reason, speech, thought Greek λόγος (lógos).

Gynoecium: superior ovary, tricarpelate, connate and trilocular.

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