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triremes Meaning in Bengali

প্রাচীন গ্রিক বা রোমান জাহাজের বা রণতরী প্রতিটি পাশ দিয়ে কিছুক্ষণের জন্যে দাঁড় টানা তিনটি tiers থাকার


তিন সারির দাঁড়বিশিষ্ট রণতরী,

triremes's Usage Examples:

Athenian sacred ships were ancient Athenian ships, often triremes, which had special religious functions such as serving in sacred processions (theoria).

Salaminia (Greek: Σαλαμινία) was, along with Paralos, one of the two sacred triremes of the Athenian navy during the late 5th century BC.

return to Greece, sailing out from its harbor at Cnidus with eighty-five triremes.

Consenting to the expedition, the Persians assembled a force of 200 triremes under the command of Megabates.

the backbone of the fleet was consisted of triremes while Athens had a few after 483 BC.

Some triremes were modified as troopers, as well as some for.

The battle came about when the Peloponnesian fleet, numbering 47 triremes, attempted to cross over to the northern shore of the Gulf of Patras to.

two of his triremes to intercept the Athenian fleet and inform Sophocles and Eurymedon of his danger.

The Spartans, meanwhile, had 43 triremes and a large.

Hearing of the Persian preparations, the Athenian general Cimon took 200 triremes and sailed to Phaselis in Pamphylia, which eventually agreed to join the.

guidance of the Athenian politician Themistocles, to build a massive fleet of triremes that would be necessary for the Greeks to fight the Persians.

fleet of 120 triremes and 1,000 transports were made ready by the Spring of 406 BC.

Carthage doubled the numbers of triremes (only 60 triremes had escorted.

assigned to rescue the survivors of the 25 disabled or sunken Athenian triremes from performing their duties, and a great number of sailors drowned.

at this time, in command of a small fleet of one quinquereme and seven triremes.

included Cimon's capture or destruction of the entire Phoenician fleet of 200 triremes.

Athenians planned to reinforce their contingent with an additional forty triremes, but that fleet never reached Sicily, as it became caught up in the pivotal.

been effectively blockaded by the Roman navy and put their fleet of 50 triremes and smaller numbers of other vessels to sea to confront the invading fleet.

oar rowing has a long history and was the means of propulsion for Greek triremes and Viking longboats.

council that had built a certain number of triremes that year.

Despite the council of 355/4 BC having built no triremes, Androtion proposed that the crown should.

It could be paid in military equipment (such as triremes) or money, most usually the latter.

After the withdrawal of the Spartan army, the Athenians sent a force of 40 triremes and 1,200 hoplites to aid the city of Argos in expelling the garrison and.

triremes's Meaning':

ancient Greek or Roman galley or warship having three tiers of oars on each side

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