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trouts Meaning in Bengali

 ট্রাউট, রোহিত,


রোহিত, ট্রাউট,

trouts শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

ট্রাউট খাড়ি বরাবর তীরবর্তী অঞ্চল ট্রাউট খাড়ি পবর্তের মাঝে যা ওরেগনে অবস্থিত ।

এখানে অনেকেই ট্রাউট ও চার মাছ ধরতে আসেন ।

এর উপনদীগুলিতে অনেক ট্রাউট মাছ ধরা হয় ।

রেইনবো ট্রাউট' (অনকোরহিনকাস মাইকিস) হচ্ছে এক ধরনের ট্রাউট মাছ এবং স্যালমনিড এর প্রজাতি, এশিয়া এবং উত্তর আমেরিকা সংলগ্ন প্রশান্ত মহাসাগরের শীতল জলের স্রোতে ।

trouts's Usage Examples:

The physostome fish encompass the bichirs, gars, a number of carps, trouts, herrings, catfish, eels and the lungfish.

It is also the connection over which trouts from the Neretva river crossing in Doljanka during spawning.

Although they do resemble trouts in habitus this is merely due to convergent evolution and they are by no.

The Prespa trout is morphologically difficult to separate from other trouts of the region.

The river is used as spawning ground by brown trouts.

the upper reaches of the river there are minnows, chubs and a few brook trouts.

epithet trutta is the Latin for trout, it is not related to salmons or trouts of the family Salmonidae.

It is one of the Pacific trouts.

"Two new species of trouts, resident and migratory, sympatric in streams of northern Anatolia (Salmoniformes:.

Rainbow trout, Dolly Varden and other species of lake trouts are common.

In the fall basin, fishes such as trouts can be found.

Salmons and trouts are being put out to compensate for the water power plants, and the river.

There live also trouts and Thymallus thymallus.


sea trout; rainbow trout; fish; salmon trout;


spiny-finned fish;

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