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truism Meaning in Bengali

 স্বতঃসিদ্ধ সত্য


স্বত:সিদ্ধ সত্য, গতানুগতিক উক্তি,

truism শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

বেন্থাম তার দর্শনের "মৌলিক স্বতঃসিদ্ধ সত্য" কে সংজ্ঞায়িত করেন যে "এটা হচ্ছে সর্বোৎকৃষ্ট সংখ্যার সর্বোৎকৃষ্ট সুখ ।

দ্বিতীয় সূত্রের মতবাদ গ্রহন করা হয়নি কারণ, কারণ গাণিতিকভাবে এটি একটি স্বতঃসিদ্ধ সত্য

যদি বলা হয় মানুষের রক্ত নীল তখন তা মিথ্যা বলে প্রমাণিত হবে; কিন্তু স্বতঃসিদ্ধ সত্য বিষয় হচ্ছে মানুষের রক্ত লাল ।

{\displaystyle Corr(u_{t},u_{t-s})=\rho ^{s}=\rho _{s}} Stationarity এর স্বতঃসিদ্ধ সত্য হলে, টাইম সিরিজ স্যেকুয়েন্সে C o r r ( u t , u t − s ) = ρ s = ρ s ।

truism's Usage Examples:

A truism is a claim that is so obvious or self-evident as to be hardly worth mentioning, except as a reminder or as a rhetorical or literary device, and.

It is the opposite of a truism.

A falsism is similar to truism.

Through overuse, an adage may become denominated a "cliché", "truism", or "old saw".

It is probably a truism to say that, as Susie Nash put it, "much of what cannot be firmly attributed.

a truism or tautology—which produces a comical effect.

The common consensus has been to follow Kurth, based on the historical truism that Romans hated kingship from the days of the expulsion of Tarquin the.

"journalistic principle" and in 2007 was referred to in commentary as "an old truism among journalists".

A truism that would naturally apply even to someone who is per se a living royal.

It is a scientific and cultural truism that self-evaluation is motivated.

It became a truism of San Francisco politics that, as long-time activist José Sarria had put.

Lumber in which the Court stated that the Tenth Amendment "states but a truism that all [powers of the State Sovereign] is retained which has not been.

Fatma Müge Göçek writes: It is a truism that all states that engage in nation-building commit collective violence.

of reism, arguing that the statement that "every object is a thing" is a truism.

The subtext to these conversations is another Middlesbrough truism, namely that the best thing a smart local lad can do is leave.

At the same time it is a truism that a project is only feasible if its projected cost is less than its completed.

However, it is a truism that attacks only get better with time, and we cannot anticipate what improvements.

This economic truism leads to the phenomenon of products designed (or appearing to be designed).

attract accusations of "professional" self-interest and of hiding behind the truism that obviously renewable energy is beneficial.


true statement; truth; commonplace; banality; cliche; bromide; platitude;


inaccurate; extraordinary; exciting; original; falsehood;

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