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turn the tide Meaning in Bengali


ভাটার চালু,

turn the tide's Usage Examples:

Italian offensive, and bought time for Greek reinforcements to arrive and turn the tide.

and his grand vizier Fazıl Mustafa Pasha were successfully able to turn the tide of the War of the Holy League, reconquering Belgrade in 1690, as well.

Harrison, American forces from Indiana, Ohio, and Kentucky were able to turn the tide of war on land that initially begun badly for the United States.

December 2010, she hired Brigitte Becue as her coach, but Becue could not turn the tide and on 8 November 2011 Becue announced that Matthysen was retiring from.

As such Fodor has often been credited for having helped turn the tide against reductionist physicalism.

Malice, a fabled sword of Saint Peter and Christian relic which may turn the tide of the long war for France.

headways, Chinese forces with air support from the Americans were able to turn the tide and forced the Japanese into a rout, recovering a substantial amount.

1865, its naval defeat by the Brazilians on the Paraná River began to turn the tide in favor of the allies.


slew; splay; gee; swing about; turn away; flip; about-face; deviate; spiral; curve; pronate; turn on a dime; coil; corner; turn off; tip over; swerve; rotate; roll; turn around; turn out; twist; divert; caracole; bend; spread out; move; veer; trend; circumvolve; corkscrew; sheer; tump over; overturn; face; roll over; gyrate; port; flip over; pivot; cut; toss; turn over; slue; swivel; deflect; avert; swing around;


stand still; deflate; expand; promote; oxidize;

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