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ultimate truth Meaning in Bengali

 মূল সত্য, পরম তত্ত্ব,

ultimate truth শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

সম্পূর্ণ ঘূর্ণন পরম তত্ত্ব এপেইরন বালতির যুক্তি কোপারনিকান নীতি রেফারেন্সের আন্তঃ ফ্রেম লুমিনিফারাস ।

ফেইল হইলে সেই পরীক্ষাতে, চৌরাশীতে হয়রে গমন ॥ একটি পরম তত্ত্ব জানতে চাই একটি পরম তত্ত্ব জানতে চাই, মহাপ্রভুর গুরু কেন ভারতী গোসাঞি ।

ultimate truth's Usage Examples:

is explained and analysed in terms of the Yogacara system, while the ultimate truth is presented in terms of the Madhyamaka system.

model of two truths, in which the ultimate truth is emptiness, he also developed a second model, in which the ultimate truth is "reality as it is" (de bzhin.

attributed, extols the virtues of Surya, the Sun god, calling him the ultimate truth and reality Brahman.

"truth that keeps the ultimate truth concealed", and paramarthika satya, ultimate truth.

such an order with the aim of seeking haqiqa, which translates as "ultimate truth".

Buddhist teaching, the ultimate truth (paramārtha satya) and the conventional or superficial truth (saṃvṛtisatya).

The ultimate truth to Nāgārjuna is the.

Like other Madhyamaka thinkers, Śāntarakṣita sees the ultimate truth as being the emptiness of all phenomena (i.

most popular of the thirty-two forms of Ganesha, worshipped as the ultimate truth Para brahman.

From the level of ultimate truth (paramārthatā) the phenomenal world is māyā, "illusion", apparently.

means 'to die over', thus indicating to death of ego, allowing truth ultimate truth (sat) to appear.

philosophical synthesis of the conventional truth of Yogacara with the ultimate truth of the Madhyamaka, assisted by Buddhist logic with a lengthy discussion.

Ganesha is described to be same as other Hindu gods, as ultimate truth and reality (Brahman), as satcitananda, as the soul in oneself (Atman).

and omnibenevolent, and spirituality is considered to be seeking the ultimate truth that is possible by a number of paths.

It is not only about telling the truth but also about applying ultimate truth to each situation.

there is a pure perfect and eternal being behind nature, which is the ultimate truth of being.

Ratnakīrti therefore argued for the ultimate truth of "one mind" (ekacitta).

yet that (2) they are teachings of a lower order as compared to the ultimate truth, and are far removed from reflecting reality, and are a kind of 'stopgap'.

claim plausible?" Veritism dismisses organized religion or any claim to ultimate truth as ignorant and without grounds.


deceit; misrepresentation; deception;


understatement; truth; honesty;

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