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uncompress Meaning in Bengali



uncompress শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

অসংকুচিত তল শ্রেনিবদ্ধ করা কষ্টসাধ্য ।

সহজ উদাহরণ হল, অসংকুচিত তল বদ্ধ ম্যানিফোল্ডকে ছিদ্র করে পাওয়া যেতে ।

সময়ের সাথে সংকুচিত ও অসংকুচিত নির্গমন ট্র্যাজেকটরিকে নিয়ে অংকিত লেখচিত্রে প্রাপ্ত ত্রিভুজাকার গ্যাপ ।

অঞ্চলে অবস্থিত নদীর ধারে), ভূগর্ভস্থ সিক্ত শিলাস্তরগুলি সাধারণতঃ হয়ে থাকে অসংকুচিত এলুভিয়াম, যার গঠন নদী বা জলপ্রবাহের দ্বারা ভূগর্ভে নিহিত অনুভূমিক স্তরের ।

এর কারণ হল বৃত্তের ব্যাসার্ধ একটি অসংকুচিত রুলার দিয়ে মাপা হবে, কিন্তু বিশেষ আপেক্ষিকতা অনুযায়ী পরিধি একটু লম্বা ।

uncompress's Usage Examples:

returned to their original state using uncompress.

The usual action of uncompress is not merely to create an uncompressed copy of the file, but also to restore.

to file; } main-program:= {if ask-permission then infect-executable; uncompress the-rest-of-this-file into tmpfile; run tmpfile;} } The 01234567 is the.

possible to work directly with a compressed BAM file, without having to uncompress the whole file.

the diode blocks current flow to the electromagnet, letting the spring uncompress, moving the piston forward, and compressing the refrigerant.

source software that can encrypt, decrypt, sign and verify, compress and uncompress CMS documents.

allowing the program to quickly list the archive contents, as well as uncompress a single file, without having to "scan" through the archive.

The compression is more efficient than WBFS and GCZ, but it is slower to compress and uncompress.

If no files are specified, the standard input will be uncompressed to the standard output.

"LZO fast compress/uncompress: implementation in 80386 machine code for Delphi".

Such tokenizing editors later uncompress the source code when viewing it, possibly prettyprinting it with consistent.

udpsvd umount — Unmount file systems uname — Display system information uncompress unexpand uniq unix2dos unlzma unlzop unzip uptime — Tell how long the.

An example is zlibc, also known as uncompress.

This tactic was viable because popular archiving software was able to uncompress ACE archives, but support for the ACE format in security products such.

Uncompress data on the fly With the ZLIB library, the Proxomitron can uncompress GZIP compressed data streams and filter.

tnameserv touch tr trap true type typeset ulimit umask unalias uname uncompress uniq unset wait wc whence xargs zcat Qshell does not support the <> redirection.

Disk compression utilities transparently compress/uncompress the contents of a disk, increasing the capacity of the disk.

compressed archive file is chosen by the user that they wish to expand and uncompress, they can then choose the destination folder for the expansion; which.

other computers, then download a stripped-down version of Slackware and uncompress it onto the hard disk.

no longer common on PC desktops, but most antivirus scanners can still uncompress any ARC archives found in order to detect viruses within the compressed.


restore; decompress; reconstruct;


compress; break; worsen; tense;

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