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under the table Meaning in Bengali


টেবিলের অধীন,

under the table's Usage Examples:

Unreported employment, also known as money under the table, working under the table, off the books, cash-in-hand, or illicit work is illegal employment.

It used "under the table" cameras that enabled the viewer to see each player's cards.

cigarette cases under the table during her séances.

She allowed some lighting in her séances but did not allow investigators to look under the table where most.

and "S" on either side of a rug under a table − to spell out "drugs under the table" as a rebus.

Following that event, screens used in high-level events extend under the table to the floor forming a barrier running diagonally between two table.

the séance Truesdell observed Slade using his foot to move objects under the table, and writing on a slate.

such as in, under and of precede their objects, such as in England, under the table, of Jane – although there are a few exceptions including "ago" and.


sub-rosa; covert; behind-the-scenes;


overt; visible; explicit; unconcealed;

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