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undoes Meaning in Bengali

 বাতিল করা, আলগা করা, পূর্বাবস্থায় ফিরাইয়া আনা, নাশ করা, পণ্ড করা, বন্ধনমুক্ত করা, সর্বনাশ করা, খোলা, মোচন করা, পাক খোলা,

খণ্ডিত বাতিল করতে বা একটি কর্ম বা তার প্রভাব বিপরীত


সর্বনাশ করা, পাক খোলা, মোচন করা, খোলা, বন্ধনমুক্ত করা, আলগা করা, পণ্ড করা, নাশ করা, পূর্বাবস্থায় ফিরাইয়া আনা, বাতিল করা,

undoes's Usage Examples:

Christ undoes the wrong that Adam did and, because of his union with humanity, leads humankind.

= f ( x ) {\displaystyle y=f(x)} is a function that, in some fashion, "undoes" the effect of f {\displaystyle f} (see inverse function for a formal and.

Usually undo is available until the user undoes all executed operations.

takes vengeance by destroying the festive setting, but the goddess Minerve undoes this.

that bilateral relations with Russia cannot be normalized unless Russia undoes its unilateral annexation of Crimea and returns its control of Crimea to.

Then it undoes the transactions still active at crash time.

After crossing the bar the legs are rapidly "scissored": this undoes the twist and the jumper lands gracefully on the takeoff foot, facing the.

productivity (thus aiming to undo the economic weaknesses which led to Munich) and undoes most of the economic and social laws of the Popular Front.

Thus, myosin phosphatase undoes the muscle contraction process initiated by myosin light-chain kinase.

It is very quick to tie, it is secure, and it undoes quickly when pulling the free end.

The complement operation is an involution, meaning it "undoes itself", or the complement of the complement is the original problem.

transform and every transform has, by definition, an inverse transform that undoes it, the set of transforms under which an object is symmetric form a mathematical.

Alternatively, a ROLLBACK statement can be issued, which undoes all the work performed since BEGIN WORK was issued.

that he believes the story, but at last he is ready to go to sleep and undoes his mischief with the same reversal of sequences, and hides under the covers.

297- Roman Emperor Galerius undoes Narseh.

Mombi has surrendered herself, but Glinda is not fooled by this trick and undoes Mombi's curse.

It could be something relatively minor that undoes its quality, like a momentary writing lapse or a misused character, but.

Labs until Sara Lance undoes the former's work and frees the latter, allowing the Black Flash to erase.

undoes's Meaning':

cancel annul or reverse an action or its effect


unbrace; unknot; untangle; unclip; unbutton; unfold; unpin; unplug; unbraid; reverse; spread out; unstaple; unlace; untie; unravel; spread; unwire; unhitch; turn; unstrap; unpick; change by reversal; unbuckle; open; unscramble; unfasten; disconnect; unwind; disentangle; unbelt;


clip; belt; fasten; tie; knot; strap; pin; braid; staple; button; buckle; fold; wire; plug in; ravel; hitch;

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