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unenjoyable Meaning in Bengali

 অনুপভোগ্য, উপভোগের পক্ষে অনুপযুক্ত,


মনোরম, উপভোগ্য, গম্য, আস্বাদনীয়, আস্বাদ্য,

unenjoyable শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

তিক্ততা সবচেয়ে সংবেদনশীল স্বাদ এবং অনেকে এটাকে অনুপভোগ্য, উৎকট অথবা অসহনীয় উপলব্ধি করে ।

unenjoyable's Usage Examples:

Koenig found the writing process for the episode unenjoyable, due to the number of re-writes required.

were sold for the private section on the field and made the concert unenjoyable.

puzzles, the game easily becomes "obscure, tedious, and, well… plain unenjoyable".

band's second album, Pennie was finding being in the band "increasingly unenjoyable", and after completing the Not Accepted Anywhere album tour, he left.

and the "endless wave of the same enemies" made the entire experience unenjoyable.

Destructoid, Anthony Burch said the game was "one of the most unplayable, unenjoyable games ever created".

omniscient, making the game frustrating and unenjoyable.

But if the heuristic is poor, the game might also be unenjoyable.

are outstanding but that poor control makes the game frustrating and unenjoyable.

Spinning Image gave the film 6/10 stars, calling it "[a] minor but not unenjoyable chiller".

Life is unenjoyable without appreciating what we do, and it is human intuition to seek pleasure.

neighborhoods were congested and run down, making it unhealthy and an unenjoyable place to live in.

game Overwatch, effectively making play on Asian servers for the game unenjoyable for others.

but not unenjoyable thanks to its loudly stressed period detail and Claude Bolling's jolly.

Central panned Hillside Cannibal, commenting that they found the film so unenjoyable that getting "stupid drunk" through a proposed drinking game "is probably.

commented that the FMV is attractive but the gameplay is shallow and unenjoyable.

He describes the trip to Wesleyan as "obvious, but not entirely unenjoyable filler.

Some of the minigames were described as "duds", being unenjoyable or broken; the game could not run in progressive scan mode; and not all.

positive feelings about the organization; they can make enjoyable or unenjoyable tasks more pleasant and are a factor in preventing employee turnover.

universal complaint about the game was the very repetitive and thus unenjoyable nature of the gameplay.

which were made in order to fit the game into a 4 MB cartridge made it unenjoyable.

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