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unfastened Meaning in Bengali

 আলগা, আগলা,


আগলা, আলগা,

unfastened শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

সাহেবের আলগা ইউনিয়ন বাংলাদেশের রংপুর বিভাগের কুড়িগ্রাম জেলার উলিপুর উপজেলার একটি ইউনিয়ন ।

পরিচিত ক্রিকেট পোশাকগুলি খেলোয়াড়ের চলাচলে সীমাবদ্ধ না রাখার জন্য কিছুটা আলগা ফিট রাখা হয় ।

এটি সাধারণত আলগা জড়পদার্থ, যেমন: শিলা, নুড়ি, বালু, কাকর প্রভৃতি বস্তু দিয়ে তৈরি হয় ।

বক্সনগর · বারুয়াখালী · কলাকোপা · চূড়াইন · গালিমপুর · কৈলাইল · শোলস্না · নয়নশ্রী · জয়কৃষ্ণপুর · বাহ্রা · বান্দুরা · আগলা · শিকারীপাড়া · যন্ত্রাইল ।

একটি স্ল্যাব, ছোবড়া মাদুর, কৃত্রিম টার্ফ, মাঝে মাঝে ছোবড়া মাদুরের উপর আলগা মাটি দ্বারা করা হয় ।

ও কেরানীগঞ্জ ১৪ টি ইউনিয়ন, ১২৬ টি ওয়ার্ড, ১৪টি ইউনিয়নের নাম নিম্নরূপ: আগলা কলাকোপা কৈলাইল গালিমপুর চুড়াইন জয়কৃষ্ণপুর নয়নশ্রী বক্সনগর বড়ুয়াখালী ।

unfastened's Usage Examples:

A tote bag is a large and often unfastened bag with parallel handles that emerge from the sides of its pouch.

this way, tailored to lie flat around the neck, and is never actually unfastened.

table, and the connections attaching the wheelset to the vehicle are unfastened.

The lid was unfastened to find Miss Markham alive, exclaiming "You are burying me alive!," to.

The toggle-fastenings are made to be easily fastened and unfastened while wearing gloves in cold weather.

suit coats may be either fastened or unfastened.

In two-button suits the bottom button is traditionally left unfastened except with certain unusual cuts of.

buttoned all the way down to the hem, but has several buttons at the collar (unfastened when the garment is pulled over the wearer's head), though these are positioned.

The impact of unfastened passengers with the cabin and aircraft furniture resulted in fatal injuries.

Her dress is casually unfastened at the breast, and her chemise sleeves are caught up in puffs, probably.

went into a nose dive, causing Mitchel to fall from his plane due to an unfastened seatbelt.

spring-activated locking mechanism to close a hinged shackle, and can be unfastened under load.

He finds that now two padlocks are unfastened.

He had unfastened his safety belt when he realised the plane was going to crash, yet other.

plane starts to go down, the netting onto which Peter is holding comes unfastened and he starts to get swept away before Mohinder grabs hold of him.

his disciples stole him by night from the tomb, where he was laid when unfastened from the cross, and now deceive men by asserting that he has risen from.

shipyard at Nakusp, where builder James Bulger hauled her out of the water, unfastened her house and machinery, and jacked them up on timbers.

He unfastened it, and leant out.

till at last as the door was going to be cut open they unfastened it, when Burney rushed in.

He unfastened his straps, got out of the car and push-started it, but could not refasten.


unbarred; unsecured; unlatched; unbolted; unlocked; undone;


close; bar; cork; bolt; fastened;

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