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unfined Meaning in Bengali


বলিরেখাঙ্কিত নয় এমন, লাইনিং বা অস্তর ছাড়া, নিরেখ, রেখাবিহীন, অরেখাঙ্কিত,

unfined's Usage Examples:

needed] and leaving the vast majority of the red wines unfiltered and unfined which can cause the wine to throw a sediment in bottle but leaves the flavour.

The wines are generally native-yeast fermented, unfined and unfiltered.

which is unfined and naturally cloudy; suitable for vegans.

The Traffic Street Specials (the spin-off series of experimental brews) are also unfined and vegan.

natural native yeasts in fermentation, and the wines are unfiltered and unfined.

It may also mean unfined and unfiltered as well.

It is bottled unfined and unfiltered.

Finished wine is bottled unfiltered and unfined.

Abel is unfined and unfiltered, meaning they allow the cider to naturally clarify via gravity;.

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