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unfollowing Meaning in Bengali


অনুবৃত্তি, অনুবর্তিতা, পশ্চাদ্গমন, অনুবর্তন, সমর্থকবৃন্দ, অনুসরণ,


অনুগত, অনুচারী, অনুচর, অনুসারিণী, পশ্চাদনুসারী, পদানুবর্তী, পক্ষাবলম্বী, অনুযাত, অনুবর্তী, অনুজীবী, অনুগমন, পশ্চাদুল্লিখিত, অনুগ, পশ্চাদ্গামী, অনুসারী, অনুযায়ী, পরবর্তী, অনুগামী,


অনু, অনুসারে,

unfollowing's Usage Examples:

autonomously perform actions such as tweeting, re-tweeting, liking, following, unfollowing, or direct messaging other accounts.

"Eat The Rich: This TikTok trend will have you unfollowing celebrities".

profile pictures to the raised fist symbol following black creators, unfollowing creators who didn't support the initiative.

Twitter manipulated the contest's results by preventing users from "unfollowing" Kutcher or CNN.

allows users to hide posts from certain users on their feed without unfollowing the account.

when users join and like new ones, respectively, without leaving or unfollowing those in which they are no longer interested.

"Piers Morgan slams President Trump for unfollowing him on Twitter".

the feature was enabled for all users, though the period of temporary unfollowing is specifically for 30 days.

natural human interactions such as liking, commenting, following, and unfollowing on social media platforms.

Sasha welcomes her back, but she no longer wants to be around him, unfollowing and unfriending him in social media.

unfollowing's Meaning in Other Sites