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unfordable Meaning in Bengali

 জল ভেঙে পার হওয়া যায় না এমন,

unfordable's Usage Examples:

A reference to the River Netravati, as unfordable during the South-West Monsoon, can be seen in the Gazetteer of Southern.

light-weight, easy-to-haul and erect pontoon bridge to move his troops across unfordable rivers and streams.

villages and by the river Utrata, which during the April thaw is usually unfordable.

The creek was unfordable, and the bridge had been destroyed.

Craufurd committed a serious tactical error by choosing to fight with an unfordable river at his back while badly outnumbered.

streams were swollen by snow-melt and rain which rendered them generally unfordable.

occupied what appeared to be a strong position, on high ground behind an unfordable creek.

The medieval walled town, surrounded by an unfordable river, was heavily defended by machine-gun nests, and during the assault.

hours before the action commenced, began suddenly to rise and soon became unfordable Finding her plan of retreat thus frustrated, and seeing her troops give.

Perhaps 'place at the navigable or unfordable river' from two pre-Celtic (pre-Indo-European) roots with added Celtic.

but he could not comply because he had insufficient boats to cross the unfordable river quickly and was afraid his brigade would be caught by the enemy.

also raining heavily; this continued for several days and made the Tyne unfordable.

destroy steamboats loaded with supplies for the enemy, was stopped by an unfordable river, but with 5 of his men swam the river, captured 2 leaky canoes,.

The Sittang was unfordable and was therefore a significant military barrier, as it had been in 1942.

If the battle turned against the French, they would be trapped with an unfordable river at their backs.

The weather had become bad, and the Nive unfordable; but there were additional and serious causes of delay.

Zone, on the west by the Saigon River and on the east by the smaller but unfordable obstacle of the Thi Thinh River.

This was a bold move because the Marines would have an unfordable river at their back and there was no division reserve in place.

"river" meaning something like the flowing river or the wide flowing unfordable river.

The Corsaglia River was unfordable due to the spring thaw and the French attack soon stalled.

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