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unhinges Meaning in Bengali

মনের মধ্যে বা বিরক্ত অস্বস্তিকর বা কারণ চিন্তিত বা আতঙ্কিত করা করা


বিকৃতমস্তিষ্ক করা, বিপর্যস্ত করা,

unhinges শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

ধর্মসম্প্রদায়ের মানুষকে তাদের ধর্মবিশ্বাসের অজুহাতে শারীরিক ও মানসিক ভাবে বিপর্যস্ত করা

মেয়ের বাবা অভিযোগ করে যে তার মেয়েকে মানসিকভাবে বিপর্যস্ত করা হয়েছে ।

unhinges's Usage Examples:

and dying, Luthor tells Superman that a madman's work is never done, and unhinges Krypton.

"Resistance to chloroquine unhinges vivax malaria therapeutics".

recordings to date, Year of the Snake is the most unusual and beguiling; it unhinges preconceived notions about the saxophone trio with complete freedom minus.

blissful wedding, but the young couple union explodes when a fit of jealousy unhinges Sandra and Lonnie's world.

Affairs, stating that "Brenner has produced a party political tract that unhinges the balance of history by ignoring too many difficulties, especially psychological.

Official website Sean McAllister at IMDb "McAllister unhinges the nail that sticks out sorely - a review of Japan: A Story of Love and.

The monotony of each day and the knowledge of being trapped for eternity unhinges him, and in his desperation he starts to destroy any mirror he can find.

The experience unhinges his mind, and he exhibits a hatred of Glawen.

Having no keys to the handcuffs, Merab unhinges the car door and carries it around for a while, before being able to break.

Rachet Jaw is a common-looking mobster with a mechanical lower jaw that unhinges to reveal a gun barrel.

What she finds upon reaching the mound unhinges her.

the reader directly, referring to a broken relationship that supposedly unhinges "you" (the reader) because "your" husband ran off to Fiji with a redhead.

This creates a short-term cashflow problem that unhinges many projects.

Program Manager of the Year (1999) "Disruptive innovation is the kind that unhinges old ways of operating, juices competition and creates new growth.

"Hannigan brace unhinges Fingal".

Conflict displaces citizens and unhinges government services.

prey Specialist: a great blue heron with a speared fish Indian python unhinges its jaw to swallow large prey like this chital Predators are often highly.

Others argue that through its attention to the way "passing" unhinges ideas of race, class, and gender, the novel opens spaces for the creation.

unhinges's Meaning':

disturb in mind or make uneasy or cause to be worried or alarmed


disquiet; trouble; perturb; cark; upset; distract; vex; worry; disorder; disturb;


reassure; organic disorder; organized; untroubled; unturned;

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