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unhorsing Meaning in Bengali

(ক ঘোড়া থেকে অবতরণ করা

unhorsing's Usage Examples:

the lance on the opponent's shield or jousting armour if possible, or unhorsing him.

Cornelius Cossus identified the king during battle and promptly charged him, unhorsing him with his spear.

While the most points in a jousting competition were scored by unhorsing the opponent or striking the lance, points could also be scored if a lance.

Marcellus accepted and promptly galloped at his opponent, unhorsing him on his first pass with his lance.

Obsidius made a daring charge toward Pyrrhus, and succeeded in unhorsing him, but was slain by the king's bodyguard.

During the battle Sir John Carmichael of Douglasdale broke his lance unhorsing the Duke of Clarence.

Richard Marshal portrayed by Matthew Paris as unhorsing Baldwin of Guines at a skirmish before the Battle of Monmouth in 1233.

their arrows at the less well-protected horses of the Latin knights, unhorsing them.

The crowd reciprocated, unhorsing one officer and trampling him.

Fraser unhorsing Col.

Alexander unhorsing Porrus, the King of India (BL Royal MS B xx, c.

thirty Scots he heroically charged sixty horsemen armed with culverins, unhorsing five of them with his spear before it broke.

jousted, along with his two comrades, against redoubtable English knights, unhorsing three of his 18 opponents.

brutally sadistic brother, Gregor, tries to kill Ser Loras Tyrell for unhorsing him, but Sandor intervenes, saving Loras' life.

In the ensuing melée, John Carmichael of Douglasdale broke his lance unhorsing the Duke of Clarence.

the lance tip 5 points for a strike that breaks the lance 10 points for unhorsing the opponent In order for a jouster to score, his lance must make contact.

With these weapons they are successful in unhorsing the knights who are then finished off with swords, hammers and axes.

solemn oath to do what was necessary to seize Henry V, succeeding in unhorsing the king, who risked certain death at the hands of the knights.

unhorsing's Meaning':

alight from (a horse


come down; get off; go down; light; descend; dismount; fall; get down;


rise; ascend; stay in place; float; better;

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