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unmangled Meaning in Bengali



unmangled শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

Studies in African Linguistics, 14:265–283.[১] Sadler, Wesley. 1951. Untangled Loma: a course of study of the Looma language of the Western Province ।

Wade, Nicholas (জানুয়ারি ২১, ২০১০), "Marshall Nirenberg, Biologist Who Untangled Genetic Code, Dies at 82", NY Times. উদ্ধৃতি টেমপ্লেট ইংরেজি প্যারামিটার ।

  www.untangledmedia.com, Untangled Media - ।

unmangled's Usage Examples:

"unmangled" – that the compiler emits a binary file with their names undecorated, as a C compiler would do.

As C language definitions are unmangled, the.

Cheke opposed this borrowing in favor of keeping English "unmixt and unmangled".

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