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unmilitary Meaning in Bengali

সৈন্য অথবা সামরিক সঙ্গে যুক্ত নয়

unmilitary's Usage Examples:

Considering his unmilitary behavior, is it astonishing that BARBANTANE is one of the names inscribed.

In August 1914, though quite unmilitary, he joined the armed forces, and the following year obtained a commission.

In an "unmilitary manner" he hauled his ships' cannon to positions above the fort using.

scarlet is unmilitary, first, because it is tawdry ; and secondly, as rendering the soldier.

in the trial of a Major Reid, who was charged with disobedience and "unmilitary conduct" towards Moses Hazen.

In an "unmilitary manner" after 3 weeks of great exertion by Bacchante and Saracens seamen.

further held a certain derision for Himmler, describing him as "sly and unmilitary".

Despite their scheming, conniving, and often lazy and unmilitary ways, McHale's crew is always successful in combat in the end.

an Imperial Rescript is announced in a subjugated London, excusing the unmilitary British from serving in the Kaiser's armies, is particularly bitter.

Hearing of Barbantane's unmilitary behavior, Ricardos determined to take advantage of the disarray in the.

court-martial Christodoulou was acquitted of mass murder but found guilty of 'unmilitary behaviour', stripped of his rank and sentenced to serve six months at.

got underway, Romeyn was stripped of his captain's stripes due to an "unmilitary order" he gave to cadets under his command.

something fantastically unmilitary occurred.

An unmilitary, un-Prussian farce".

Although his obese appearance was distinctly unmilitary, he had military talent and a reputation for calm bravery and quick decisive.

contempt, Kouandété became increasingly concerned about the president's "unmilitary" ways.

unmilitary's Meaning':

not associated with soldiers or the military


nonmilitary; unsoldierly;


military; military machine; military reserve;

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