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unmodifiable Meaning in Bengali

unmodifiable's Usage Examples:

the sense that we can find the former event to be especially true for unmodifiable traits.

before receiving the list of traits that described the traits as all unmodifiable, meaning that if one exhibits the trait as a child, he or she will certainly.

theories that presume that light travels at a fixed speed relative to an unmodifiable and detectable luminiferous aether, a preferred frame would be a frame.

memorizing cells with two types of afferent synapses: excitatory and unmodifiable inhibitory synapses.

such as by using the Dirty COW exploit – the user can modify usually unmodifiable binaries and files.

to use XIP for them, it is sufficient to instruct the linker to place unmodifiable and modifiable data in different address ranges and provide a mechanism.

Visconti issued a law stating that the toll fee of Pontevico's bridge was unmodifiable.

Unlike modern CD-RWs, CD-MO allowed for hybrid discs containing both an unmodifiable, pressed section, readable in standard drives, and a writable MO section.

event in the environment, e) occur in every member of the species, f) be unmodifiable, and g) govern behavior for which the organism needs no training (although.

Age, genetics and family history are unmodifiable risk factors.

version of deathmatch, originating in Doom by id Software, had a set of unmodifiable rules concerning weapons, equipment and scoring, known as "Deathmatch.

its program-instructions (the state-machine instructions are frozen, unmodifiable by the machine).

adheres to open-closed principle where code is effectively divided into unmodifiable frozen spots and extensible hot spots.

5xx generation also introduced changes in the boot PROM that make them unmodifiable without extensive wiring changes.

We mistakenly take for granted that human nature is an intrinsic, unmodifiable set of properties.

the Song Magic used by each Reyvateil and their persona is preset and unmodifiable.

LISP was based on modifiable code[citation needed], he did not like the unmodifiable code of the B5000[citation needed], but most LISP implementations would.

marked departure from the Gestalt tradition, which focused on innate and unmodifiable processes.

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