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unperverted Meaning in Bengali


বৈকৃত, বিকৃতবুদ্ধি, বিকারগ্র্রস্ত,

unperverted's Usage Examples:

"the legislative system known as the initiative and referendum," "the unperverted Australian of secret ballot system," the nationalization of the railroads.

come out of their own life experience, out of their own unspoiled and unperverted instinct, traditions, and values.

of probability, even for the merely natural reason, that every spirit unperverted by sin and passion, every naturally noble spirit must love and accept.

later that year that "No ingenious sophistry can ever reconcile the unperverted mind to the pardon of Slavery; nothing but tremendous familiarity, and.

up with Warhol, according to Greer, "for her message to come across unperverted.

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