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unpolarized Meaning in Bengali


unpolarized's Usage Examples:

mixture of polarizations; this is called unpolarized light.

Polarized light can be produced by passing unpolarized light through a polarizer, which allows.

The subset of the flag variety satisfying this condition is called the unpolarized local period domain and is denoted D {\displaystyle {\mathcal {D}}} .

A perfectly polarized wave has a DOP of 100%, whereas an unpolarized wave has a DOP of 0%.

Values of P are zero for unpolarized light, and ±1 for linearly polarized light.

are absorbed by the device, and beam-splitting polarizers, where the unpolarized beam is split into two beams with opposite polarization states.

When unpolarized light is incident at this angle, the light that is reflected from the.

For an incident unpolarized photon of energy E γ {\displaystyle E_{\gamma }} , the differential cross.

If the excitation is unpolarized then the measured fluorescence emission should likewise be unpolarized.

To calculate the unpolarized cross section, one must average over the spins of the incoming particles.

In general, for a spin-unpolarized system, a local-density approximation for the exchange-correlation energy.

development of intense negatively charged hydrogen (H-) beam sources, both unpolarized and spin-polarized, and the development of a high intensity Electron.

An electric current is generally unpolarized (consisting of 50% spin-up and 50% spin-down electrons); a spin polarized.

A ray of unpolarized light passing through the crystal divides into two rays of perpendicular.

asymmetry can be measured by firing a polarized beam of electrons through an unpolarized electron target (liquid hydrogen, for instance), as was done by an experiment.

level are equally populated, as it is usually the case, then the line is unpolarized.

probability distribution f 1 q ( x ) {\displaystyle f_{1}^{q}(x)} for the unpolarized structure function F 1 ( x ) {\displaystyle F_{1}(x)} and the quark spin.

The electric field of the unpolarized light wanders.

atrix}I\\Q\\U\\V\end{pmatrix}}} The Stokes vector spans the space of unpolarized, partially polarized, and fully polarized light.

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