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unquantified Meaning in Bengali


অযোগ্য, যোগ্যতাহীন, অগুণ, বাধাহীন, শর্তহীন,

unquantified শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

 জায়গীর দুই ধরনের ছিল, এক শর্তাধীন জায়গীর এবং অন্যটি শর্তহীন জায়গীর ।

যেমন- আম (সাধারণ), খাস (বিশেষ), মুতলাক্ব (শর্তহীন), মুকায়্যাদ (শর্তযুক্ত), মুজমাল (অ-ব্যাখ্যাত), মুবায়্যান (ব্যাখ্যাত) ।

নিরাকার,এই অবস্থায় শিবকে কল্পনাও করা যায়না,তিনি কালচক্র ও সংসারের সকল গুণ-অগুণ এর উর্দ্ধে ।

প্যারাশ্যুট বায়ূমন্ডলের মধ্য দিয়ে বাধাহীন ভাবে পতনের সময় বাতাসের বাধাকে কাজে লাগিয়ে বস্তুর পতনের গতি কমাতে পারে ।

ব্যক্তিকে বা বাহককে নির্দিষ্ট পরিমাণ টাকা প্রদানের জন্য ব্যাংকের প্রতি শর্তহীন লিখিত আদেশ প্রদান করে; যার অর্থ চাহিবা মাত্র পরিশোধ্য ।

শর্তহীন বিধান দার্শনিক ইমানুয়েল কাণ্টের নীতি-শাস্ত্রে ব্যবহৃত একটি পারিভাষিক শব্দবন্ধ ।

unquantified's Usage Examples:

Other threats such as hunting are as yet unquantified.

Ganges-Brahmaputra river system annually according to decades old studies, it is unquantified how much variance year to year as well as the impact modern humans have.

elimination and introduction of universal and existential quantifiers so that unquantified logical expressions can be manipulated according to the much simpler.

Essentially all factors are unquantified and at most only some inferences of which factors are more relatively.

Extrapolation arguments are informal and unquantified arguments which assert that something is true beyond the range of values.

{\displaystyle \Delta _{0}^{0}} sentences of the logic be decidable, allowing the unquantified theorems of the intuitionistic and classical theories to coincide.

a 1783 work by Sir Joshua Reynolds, in which Reynolds discusses, in unquantified terms, the balance of dark and light in a painting.

consciously influencing observer of reality The scientific recognition of an unquantified animating force of matter measured by observer effect (physics), posited.

He pumps in her bloodstream an unquantified amount of OZ, the drug responsible for the creation of the Green Goblin.

An unquantified, but major positive contribution of the Acari is their normal functioning.

for vulnerable species despite the fact that its population (though unquantified) is thought to be in decline (though not at a fast rate).

Significant, though unquantified, numbers of southern sawtail catsharks are caught incidentally on bottom.

amount in practice to advocacy of acceptance of all of the quantified and unquantified costs and risks associated with policy inaction.

superhuman speed, reflexes and reactions, agility, and durability of an unquantified degree.

serotonin; moderate increases in melatonin and norepinephrine, modest or unquantified increases in cholinesterase, gamma-aminobutyric acid, and dehydroepiandrosterone.

"reasonable articulable suspicion" which requires a police officer to have an unquantified amount of certainty the courts say is well below 51% before briefly detaining.

This has aesthetic concerns for some patients and possible, though unquantified, long-term implications for foot structure and health.

the sector’s engagement with other stakeholders Establish targets and unquantified responsibilities in respect of each principle; and Outline processes.

An important but unquantified part comes from the volunteering of the members, who have opportunities.

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