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unreflective Meaning in Bengali

প্রদর্শক বা সাবধান চিন্তার দ্বারা চিহ্নিত না

unreflective's Usage Examples:

pongee silks range from appearing similar to satin to appearing matte and unreflective.

positively associated with a religion that is conventional, unquestioned, and unreflective".

It is different with Solem, who seems to be unreflective about everything life has to offer, and whether he gets it honestly or.

of [the novel] are its direct and concrete language presented with an unreflective and confessional narrative voice".

People who are unreflective and emotionally stable have fewer meta-mood experiences and commonly.

Aerosols such as black carbon also catalyze the warming effect as they are unreflective and absorb energy from the sun supplementing greenhouse gases in the.

writes in Modernism/modernity that it "offers a welcome corrective to the unreflective critical tendency .

the duchy of Nassau that was annexed by Prussia in 1866 were, however, unreflective of political reality of the time and were not used extensively: They.

emancipated brethren in the West, their Jewishness was self-evident and unreflective.

intrinsic essence, or intrinsic self-nature to mean our most innate, unreflective and pragmatic belief about both subjective and objective phenomena.

result of this collective behavior is the development of tradition, unreflective internal structure, esprit de corps, solidarity, morale, group awareness.

The sense that we ought to do certain things arises in our unreflective consciousness, being an activity of moral thinking occasioned by the.

both length and substance" and the analysis it contains "shallow and unreflective".

Penguin Guide to Jazz notes that "the leader can sound hyperactive and unreflective, but there is no mistaking the power of his playing.

Unger describes the “unreflective view of mind” that characterizes liberal psychology.

According to this unreflective view of mind, the mind is a.

association with "white collar" unions had, by 2000, deemed this old title unreflective of all affiliated unions.

compassionate ecosystems is the ideology of traditional conservation biology—and unreflective status quo bias.

Automatic (or implicit) mentalizing is a fast-processing unreflective process, calling for little conscious effort or input; whereas controlled.

He says "It is unreflective, and consequently inured to change, because of a commitment to a God’s.

" The Essential Jazz Records describes as "unevocative" and "unreflective" "Cocktails for Two" and "'Round Midnight", though it indicates that.

unreflective's Meaning':

not exhibiting or characterized by careful thought


unthinking; thoughtless; unthoughtful;


thoughtful; smart; considerate; thoughtfully;

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