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unresisted Meaning in Bengali

 অপ্রতিহত, অপ্রতিরুদ্ধ, অনিবারিত, প্রতিরোধহীন,

unresisted শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

গাদ্দাফী তার অল্প কয়েকজন সামরিক অফিসারের সহায়তায় রাজধানী ত্রিপলীতে এক প্রতিরোধহীন এবং রক্তপাতহীন অভ্যুত্থানের মাধ্যমে লিবিয়ার শাসন ক্ষমতা দখল করেন ।

প্রায়ই স্মৃতিরোমন্থন বা নিরবিচ্ছিন্নভাবে অনিবারিত অনধিকারমূলক এবং কষ্টদায়ক চিন্তা করা  শোকার্ততার পরিচয় দেয় ।

পাকবাহিনী ঘেরাওয়ের মধ্যে প্রতিরোধহীন মৃত্যুর চেয়ে এখান থেকে বেরিয়ে গিয়ে যুদ্ধ করাই শ্রেয় ।

unresisted's Usage Examples:

theoretical models to explain the evolution of food-sharing behavior—"the unresisted transfer of food from one food-motivated individual to another"—among.

It is the most active muscle in forearm supination during unresisted supination, while biceps becomes increasingly active with heavy loading.

Metamorphoses 11, translated by Samuel Garth, John Dryden, et al (MIT): "unresisted revels in her arms .

notwithstanding, The Aesthetic Contract displays perhaps an excessive ease, an unresisted 'liberty'", while also stating "Can any such set of understandings or.

During the unresisted assault on Tamatave in eastern Madagascar he leapt from an amphibious.

to, and heroic Poland being assassinated by, Russia: the immense and unresisted encroachments of that barbarous power, whose head is in St.

both BS 11 and BS 99 at their camp 22 kilometers outside Vientiane went unresisted.

fighting the enemy (very likely just bluffs, as Li Ling's advance had been unresisted up to this point).

turned much of the city into an inferno, the 16th Panzer Division advanced unresisted until it reached Gumrak airport, 15 km northwest of the city, where the.

To check his enemies' unresisted advance, Gnaeus Papirius Carbo (consul 85 BC) sent his newly elected puppet.

This is unresisted expansion and no useful work is done by it.

frontiersmen crossed the Golden Gate in a boat to "capture" the Presidio unresisted.

formally incorporated into an enlarged Nazi Germany following a largely unresisted military invasion from the north-west.

On 11 December 629 (18th of Ramadan, 8 AH), he entered Mecca almost unresisted, and declared a general amnesty for all those who had committed offences.

When Stockton's forces entered Los Angeles unresisted on August 13, 1846, the nearly bloodless conquest of California seemed.

A subsequent ground assault upon the Phou Khao Khouai camp went unresisted, and with the exception of a single company from BS 11, these two battalions.

Republic of Spanish Haiti during the Ephemeral Independence in 1822 after an unresisted invasion with the force of an estimated 10,000 of Haitian troops commanded.

Einsele's reform agenda at Preungesheim did not go unresisted.

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