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unripened Meaning in Bengali

না সম্পূর্ণরূপে বিকশিত বা পরিপক্ক; পাকা না

unripened's Usage Examples:

(also farmer's cheese or farmers' cheese) is pressed cottage cheese, an unripened cheese made by adding rennet and bacterial starter to coagulate and acidify.

The astringent taste is in unripened bananas, unripe persimmons and cashew fruits; and acorns dominantly, which.

Halloumi or haloumi (/həˈluːmi/) (Greek: Χαλλούμι is a semi-hard, unripened cheese made from a mixture of goat's and sheep's milk, and sometimes also.

New France developed soft, unripened cheeses characteristic of its metropole, France.

Like other mozzarellas, they are semi-soft, white, and rindless unripened mild cheeses that originated in Naples and were once made only from the.

An analogous practice is the harvest and consumption of unripened pea pods, as is done with snow peas or sugar snap peas.

Hypoglycin A is a naturally occurring amino acid derivative found in the unripened fruit of the Ackee tree (Blighia sapida) and in the seeds of the box elder.

been shown to be not poisonous in low to moderate amounts, however the unripened berries are toxic.

1ppm, but in the unripened fruit it can exceed a concentration of 1000ppm.

Ingestion of the unripened fruit containing such a concentrated.

the dry and puckery feeling in the mouth following the consumption of unripened fruit, red wine or tea.

provisions of the regulation were that bananas sold as unripened, and green bananas should be green and unripened, firm and intact, fit for human consumption, not.

It is an indigenous unripened, salted soft variety of cheese made in perforated pots.

A lack of fuzz distinguishes a ripened honeydew from an unripened one as it is a sign of growth still having been underway when harvested.

It is typically consumed in an immature, unripened state.

In Italian cuisine, barattiere is typically consumed in an immature, unripened state.

Name Image Region Description Chhana Bangladesh Fresh, unripened curd cheese made from water buffalo milk.

Burgos fresh cheese is "an exquisite and soft unripened cheese with an intense white color, no eyes and usually without bark or.

unripened's Meaning':

not fully developed or mature; not ripe


green; immature; unaged; unripe;


ripe; achromatic color; rural area; achromatic; sophisticated;

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