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unscientifically Meaning in Bengali

একটি অবৈজ্ঞানিক ভাবে; বিজ্ঞানের নীতি অনুসারে নয়

unscientifically's Usage Examples:

The larval stage may be unscientifically referred to as sea worms.

counsellors tell them to prepare for their own imminent death, which, they unscientifically claim, inevitably follows a diagnosis of being HIV-antibody positive.

And they handle their crops unscientifically and do net get much return on their investment and labors and hence.

script, but is claimed by Belarusian linguists, however, to be prepared unscientifically and breaking the traditions of the Belarusian language.

Natanzon was named the number one backgammon player in the world by an unscientifically compiled peer-audited review known as Giants of Backgammon.

the name of 'panchaule' or 'salampanja' and found in wild, is being unscientifically collected for its commercial importance.

" It has also attracted further criticism, as it erroneously and unscientifically describes homosexuality as "being contrary to biology and genetics".

The application, before being pulled in September 2012, was used to unscientifically estimate penis size from shoe size.

We do not know who was the first to put in motion this unscientifically-based tradition about Jerome's authorship of the Glagolitic script.

provided religious exemption and legal protection against laws that unscientifically restrict women's reproductive autonomy, exposed harmful pseudo-scientific.

many of the same types of argument," including accusing opponents of unscientifically trying to defend their biases, alleging they are acting conspiratorially.

Amazon also removed 12 books that unscientifically claimed bleach could cure conditions including malaria and childhood.

Also from Campoverde come animal bones excavated unscientifically from a trench during construction and one human tooth.

method, but generally accused those who signed the petition of arguing "unscientifically".

descriptions of a society living in caves or domes on asteroids, or (unscientifically) providing the asteroid with an atmosphere held in place by an "artificial.

The proponent unscientifically based his suppositions, as he himself said, on an “extrasensorial impression”.

unscientifically's Meaning':

in an unscientific way; not according to the principles of science

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