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unseaworthy Meaning in Bengali

 সমুদ্রযাত্রার পক্ষে অনুপযোগী,

একটি সমুদ্রযাত্রা জন্য অযোগ্য


সমুদ্রযাত্রার পক্ষে অনুপযোগী,

unseaworthy's Usage Examples:

She was condemned as unseaworthy in late 1805 on her way home after her first voyage as a whaler.

New York pilots condemned the Widgeon as unseaworthy in 1879, which sparked a fight for steam pilot-boat service.

ships of the class were eventually built at great expense, but proved so unseaworthy when trialed that they were quickly sidelined, causing a public scandal.

from Buenos Aires she stopped at Pernambuco, where she was condemned as unseaworthy.

badly damaged during the Battle of Manila in 1762 and was abandoned as unseaworthy in the East Indies in 1765.

In September 1748 she was declared unseaworthy and converted into a hulk.

retired from service in 1894 after an inspection declared her to be unseaworthy.

in the South Pacific as a whaler until she was condemned in 1820 as unseaworthy and then sold for breaking up.

with others of her class, she was of faulty design and was found to be unseaworthy prior to her completion.

As a result of her shallow draught, she was very un-manoeuvrable and unseaworthy in open waters in anything more than a Force 5 wind.

She then sailed as a West Indiaman until she was condemned in 1809 as unseaworthy.

She was consequently declared unseaworthy and sold out of service three months later.

At the end of the war, UB-9 was deemed unseaworthy and unable to surrender at Harwich with the rest of Germany's U-boat.

from her second whaling voyage was condemned in 1826 at Mauritius as unseaworthy and broken up.

At the end of the war, UB-11 was deemed unseaworthy and unable to surrender at Harwich with the rest of Germany's U-boat.

the first of the Casco-class monitors to be launched, was found to be unseaworthy.

She was condemned in Jamaica in December 1800 as unseaworthy.

However, one surveyor who inspected the vessel found that it was unseaworthy.

In December 1840, Dexter was reported unseaworthy and the Government sold the cutter on 25 February 1841.

unseaworthy's Meaning':

unfit for a voyage


leaky; seaworthiness; fitness;


tight; seaworthy; impermeable; uncommunicative;

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