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unsparingly Meaning in Bengali

একটি কঠোর এবং প্রচুর পদ্ধতিতে

unsparingly's Usage Examples:

misrepresentations which in this section of the country have been so long, so unsparingly, so cruelly heaped upon the Church.

Austrian; his plays were well constructed and effective and satirized unsparingly the foibles of the Viennese.

redevelopment efforts at the World Trade Center site known as Ground Zero as "unsparingly showing New York City’s power brokers taking a nation-bending hole in.

In 1714, Higgins worked unsparingly for the relief of the soldiers in the Siege of Barcelona.

Pigou found life to be unbearably sleepy in Chichester and castigated it unsparingly complaining that there was so little to do.

about as simply and as well as they deserve to be told - or about as unsparingly as we deserve to hear them - and he lets us feel for them what we can.

He also details survival in primitive societies unsparingly; as a result, much of the book is not for the weak of stomach.

and sobbing he bore it all himself and made things more mild as he was able, generously and unsparingly giving encouragement, advice, and treasure.

Confederates, in which 'the late famous comedy' and its three authors were unsparingly ridiculed.

was known for his quirky oratorical skills and theatrics which he used unsparingly in attacking rivals.

portion of the Latin version into English, with comments in which he unsparingly denounced the tenets advanced.

He has consistently worked unsparingly and his work has been an inspiration to the Andartis with him.

feel that we have best done our duty both to it and our readers, by unsparingly denouncing what we consider an erroneous and inefficient system of education.

jokes, gave satirical opinions upon the events of the day and commented unsparingly upon his own prodigious girth; the whole in the breathless manner and.

Sarah Rodman of The Boston Globe called the album an "unsparingly intimate, deeply moving 11-song cycle.

Accordingly, the writer of Proverbs "has no quarter for it, but condemns it unsparingly on every mention of it".

board's report issued on October 6, 1908, upheld Pulliam's decision and unsparingly castigated Merkle for his "stupid play"—a "reckless, careless, inexcusable.

reputation for being the Elizabethan and Jacobean dramatist with the most unsparingly dark vision of human nature.

Then use it unstintingly, unsparingly.

He drew attention to the bleaker side of life, unsparingly depicting prostitution, violence, old age, and death.

unsparingly's Meaning':

in a scathing and unsparing manner

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