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unsystematically Meaning in Bengali

একটি অ-প্রণালীবদ্ধ পদ্ধতিতে

unsystematically's Usage Examples:

character defined mostly by the prominent mazur's "strong accents unsystematically placed on the second or third beat".

Although written unsystematically, the Prison Notebooks are considered a highly original contribution.

world and notices on church- or monastery-related events are presented unsystematically and seemingly at random.

The work was unsystematically produced but each plate is dated, so this generally introduces no problems.

practice money income as a proportion of total income varies widely and unsystematically.

His technique was unlike that of any contemporary: unsystematically he used dense webs of light, fine, multidirectional hatching to create.

Archaeological evidence shows that Greek settlement began unsystematically in c.

The revolt was progressing slowly and unsystematically.

to the other, various major aspects of pterodactyloid anatomy arose unsystematically, producing species with distinct combinations of both primitive and.

to make do with the use of Roman and Greek letters without order [unsystematically], but how can one write [Slavic] well with Greek letters.

The avant-garde literature movements were scarcely and unsystematically represented until the 80s.

several letters, notably the yuses (Ѫ, Ѭ, Ѧ, Ѩ) were gradually and unsystematically discarded from both secular and church usage over the next centuries.

of Louis Duchesne, is that the Liber Pontificalis was gradually and unsystematically compiled, and that the authorship is impossible to determine, with.

However, the order had been awarded before that date unsystematically.

Accidentals are rare, and somewhat unsystematically used, often to avoid the tritone.

During that time he wrote much, but unsystematically.

covering philology, natural science, theology and other subjects, unsystematically, but with occasional originality and felicity of diction.

become difficult, because after 170 years of extraction many of the unsystematically dumped tips were beginning to slide into some of the major pit workings.

Britain had extended its control over the area, albeit informally and unsystematically.

for personal and geographical names, wherein the characters are used unsystematically, as in German telephone directories ("Müller, A.

unsystematically's Meaning':

in an unsystematic manner

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