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unvirtuous Meaning in Bengali


নির্দোষ, যৌন বিশুদ্ধতাসম্পন্ন, পুণ্যাত্মা, নৈতিক উতকর্ষসম্পন্ন, নৈতিক সদ্গুণসম্পন্ন, সুনীতিসম্পন্ন, সুনীতি অনুযায়ী, কর্তব্যপরায়ণ, সতীত্বপূর্ণ, ধন্য, ধর্মনিষ্ঠ, ধর্মবিশ্বাসী, ধর্মসম্মত, ধর্মশীল, ধম্র্য, ধর্মগত, নিষ্পাপ, চরিত্রবান্, পবিত্র, ধার্মিক, ধর্মচারী,

unvirtuous's Usage Examples:

the sages staying in his hermits left Dirghatamas for he had reared up unvirtuous sons.

an argument from ignorance by postulating that what is not virtuous is unvirtuous.

Sahastararjun and later on he rages on earth 21 times, each time decimating unvirtuous and unworthy kings wherever he went.

withdrawn inwardly without any discrimination as to what is virtuous or unvirtuous, appropriate or inappropriate, or timely or untimely.

and dogmatic way), in as much as certain activities deemed consciously unvirtuous cannot be applied to her.

Mormons, Hurlbut had been expelled from his Methodist congregation for "unvirtuous conduct with a young lady.

of Cornish Sodom and Gomorrah, an example of divine wrath provoked by unvirtuous living.

Rinpoche states: Shamelessness means to personally engage in what is unvirtuous without inhibition on account of others.

Yuwen's wastefulness, rejected "Gong," instead suggesting "Zong" (縱, "unvirtuous"), and that became Yuwen's posthumous name.

The secular clergy at this time lived a generally unvirtuous life, lived in poverty and were under-educated.

to the slightly less derogatory Chengzong (成縱, meaning "successful but unvirtuous").

kiss her himself and when she is gone, he declares that she is a loose, unvirtuous woman.

to kill the worker, convincing Sundarangadan that the fourth maxim (an unvirtuous wife may even kill her husband) is true.

with Liu Xiufan (劉休範) the Prince of Guiyang, who was considered to be unvirtuous and incompetent, and therefore not viewed as a threat.

The circles contain examples of virtuous and unvirtuous historical figures.

he has acquired, decides whether to direct himself towards virtuous or unvirtuous activities, and thereby decides whether or not to seek true happiness.

This could lead to a dualist reading of the prayer, opposing the unvirtuous 'spirit of man' to the virtuous 'spirit of God.

some of the symposiasts no longer had a teacher of virtue, they became unvirtuous because of their lack of exposure to it.

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