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unvisited Meaning in Bengali

unvisited's Usage Examples:

Mark all nodes unvisited.

Create a set of all the unvisited nodes called the unvisited set.

After that it was unvisited by Europeans until 1839, when the British whaler and explorer William.

heart of the eastern Karakoram, Rimo was little-known and almost entirely unvisited until the twentieth century.

following heuristic: "At each step of the journey, visit the nearest unvisited city.

no unvisited neighbours being considered a dead-end.

When at a dead-end it backtracks through the path until it reaches a cell with an unvisited neighbour.

already-visited arms into as yet unvisited locations partway through a trial, that the rats tended to visit as-yet unvisited locations even when doing so.

These are the steps of the algorithm: Initialize all vertices as unvisited.

mark u as unvisited.

For each vertex u of the graph do Visit(u), where Visit(u) is the recursive subroutine: If u is unvisited then: Mark.

cemetery routinely bury the bodies of the newly deceased in plots that go unvisited.

Southeast Asia, including several sections of the latter continent previously unvisited by touring Western rock bands.

Tartessus had previously been unvisited by traders and Colaeus was able to obtain a cargo of metal and return.

vertices of the graph, performing the algorithm on each vertex that is still unvisited when examined.

previously unvisited node is visited, additional nodes are revealed that must also be visited.

Let Si represent the number of revealed but unvisited nodes.

A focused crawler must predict the probability that an unvisited page will be relevant before actually downloading the page.

during the Christmas holiday and Semana Santa periods, but is relatively unvisited by the foreign tourists who flock to nearby Puerto Escondido.

of its volcanic history, the monument was left undeveloped and largely unvisited until the 1950s.

If there are no more unvisited nodes at the current depth, nodes at a higher depth are traversed.

Even Greece was all-but-unvisited, a rough backwater of the Ottoman Empire, dangerous to explore, so Neoclassicists'.

The islands remain mostly uninhabited and unvisited.

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