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upscaling Meaning in Bengali



upscaling's Usage Examples:

(such as 1080i high definition), a process known as "upconversion" or "upscaling" (by contrast, converting from high to low resolution is known as "downconversion".

In video technology, the magnification of digital material is known as upscaling or resolution enhancement.

also known as "upscaling" an image SCALE-UP, a type classroom layout and learning environment Video scaler, also known as "upscaling" a video This disambiguation.

elastic properties of such layers in petrology has been coined Backus upscaling, which is described below.

For example, a receiver with upconversion, deinterlacing and upscaling can take an interlaced composite signal at 480i (480 lines per frame sent.

enhancement can provide an interesting benefit if it is performed after upscaling.

formats and containers, as well as special functions such as dynamic upscaling and picture optimization.

advertisement launched in 2008 to promote Toshiba's high-definition television upscaling technology.

model VCR/DVD combo to be equipped with an HDMI port for HDTV viewing upscaling to several different types of resolutions including 1080i Combo television.

advertisement was released to promote Toshiba's high-definition television upscaling technology in the United Kingdom.

Deep learning super sampling (DLSS) is a temporal image upscaling technology developed by Nvidia and exclusive to Nvidia graphics cards for real-time.

some VCR/Blu-ray combo to be equipped with an HDMI port for HDTV viewing upscaling to several different types of resolutions including 1080i Shortly after.

simulcasts of Kanal 5, showing material available in HD in true HD, and upscaling the rest of the content.

behaviour involves some level of parameterisation rather than simply upscaling from process or downscaling from the geological scale.

simulcasts of TV3+, showing material available in HD in true HD, and upscaling the rest of the content.

conversion, resampling, upsampling, downsampling, interpolation, decimation, upscaling, downscaling.

In addition it allows upscaling of protected DVDs on analogue monitors under Windows Vista.

ship of the Scaled Composites Model 339 SpaceShipTwo class, based on upscaling the design of record-breaking SpaceShipOne.

4K UHD in-camera upscaling.

On 18 March 2015, Arri announced the SXT line of Arri Alexa cameras which will support in-camera upscaling of Apple ProRes.

Tamil Nadu Agriculture University (TNAU) concentrates on the upscaling of water saving technologies in rice and major garden land crops.

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