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urgings Meaning in Bengali



urgings শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

ɻ j ɰ অন্যান্য পার্শ্বিক ɺ ɫ কম্পন ʙ r • ʀ • যুগ্মোচ্চারিত নৈকট্য ʍ w ɥ তাড়ন ѵ̟ ѵ ɾ ɽ • যুগ্মোচ্চারিত ঊষ্ম ɕ ʑ ɧ পাঃ ঊষ্ম ɬ ɮ • • • যুগ্মোচ্চারিত ঘৃষ্ট ।

তাড়ন বেগ হলো কোনো কণা যেমন ইলেক্ট্রনের সেই বেগ যা সে তড়িৎ ক্ষেত্রের কারণে লাভ করে ।

তাড়ন বেগকে নিম্নোক্তভাবে প্রকাশ করা হয় : J = ρ v a v g {\displaystyle ।

(condensed matter physics) ও তড়িৎ রসায়নের (electrochemistry) ভাষায়, তাড়ন তড়িৎ হলো তড়িৎ ক্ষেত্র প্রয়োগের ফলে চার্জ বাহকের মধ্য দিয়ে চলমান তড়িৎ ।

urgings's Usage Examples:

Although Sonnet 15 does not directly refer to procreation, the single-minded urgings in the previous sonnets, may suggest to the reader that procreation is.

Guthrie's forceful urgings on retaining the location of the hospital and school on one occasion resulted.

Upon the urgings of his wife that it would sell well, he acquired the rights to Uncle Tom's.

as the "Rock of Croatia" known for his defense of human rights and his urgings of peace and forgiveness during the independence conflict and the Bosnian.

twentieth century, and inspired by the Futurist Vladimir Maiakovsky's urgings, the poets Fernando Pessoa, Mário de Sá-Carneiro and Almada Negreiros,.

They follow the orders of voices in their heads known as the urgings, which are transmitted to them by their "Masters" (who are never seen in.

Amyntor's son Phoenix, on his mother's urgings, had sex with his father's concubine, Clytia or Phthia.

Sydney clergy had heeded the urgings of Pope Leo XIII, who called for Catholic newspapers to "counteract the.

However, on the urgings of the business community of London, George I sent forces, in 1718, to.

SC-1, a dirigible designed by Thomas Scott Baldwin, was the result of urgings by Chief Signal Officer Brigadier General James Allen.

of Music and the Royal Academy of Music in London, but on his father's urgings attended The University of California, Santa Barbara.

It took until May 1132, after astronomic omens and papal urgings, for Roger to leave comfortable Sicily to go and deal with insurrection.

Hardinville served as the first county seat of Hardin County; but at the urgings of the settlers west of the Tennessee, the seat was moved to Rudd's Ferry.

Ageng's son, Pangeran Hajji, rose against his father, possibly at the urgings of the Dutch East India Company.

screen enjoyed a small revival in the 19th century, after the passionate urgings of Augustus Pugin, who wrote A Treatise on Chancel Screens and Rood Lofts.

Sonntag created the dish "after the urgings of patrons to serve something different.

The line was built at the urgings of local residents in and around Outram, even though there was little promise.

in that Canada refused to seek extradition or repatriation despite the urgings of Amnesty International, the Canadian Bar Association and other prominent.

the newly created, conscription-based Italian Army, despite Garibaldi's urgings to the contrary, which led to several clashes in Parliament.

Despite President Juho Kusti Paasikivi's urgings (in his opinion, Kekkonen was a valuable Prime Minister because he managed.


preach; rush; advise; press; counsel; hurry; rede; urge on; exhort; push; advocate; bear on;


indicate; persuade; stay in place; retreat; delay;

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