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vaccinia Meaning in Bengali

 গো বসন্ত, গো বসন্তে,

একটি স্থানীয় ভাইরাস গুটিবসন্তের করার তরে প্রতিরোধের অনুক্রমে গোবসন্ত ঘটাচ্ছে সঙ্গে টিকা দ্বারা মানুষের মধ্যে প্ররোচক সংক্রমণ; স্বাভাবিকভাবে তিন সপ্তাহ স্থায়ী হয় এবং একটি pitted খুঁত ছেড়ে



vaccinia's Usage Examples:

viral species known as vaccinia, which was serologically distinct from cowpox.

Whole genome sequencing has shown that vaccinia is 99.

Orthopox: smallpox virus (variola), vaccinia virus, cowpox virus, monkeypox virus, rabbitpox virus; Parapox: orf virus.

Because of the danger of transmission of vaccinia, it also should not be given to people in close contact with anyone who.

Generalized vaccinia is a cutaneous condition that occurs 6–9 days after vaccination, characterized by a generalized eruption of skin lesions, and caused.

Roseola vaccinia is a cutaneous condition characterized by a prominent rim of erythema surrounding the site of vaccinia injection.

The virus, part of the genus Orthopoxvirus, is closely related to the vaccinia virus.

B13R (sometimes called SPI-2) is a protein expressed by vaccinia virus.

Progressive vaccinia is a rare cutaneous condition caused by the vaccinia virus, characterized by painless, but progressive, necrosis and ulceration.

producing vaccinia strains.

The MVA (Ankara) strain in this regard has a lot of gene loss related to in vitro passage, and horsepox being a vaccinia strain.

MVA85A (modified vaccinia Ankara 85A) is a vaccine against tuberculosis developed by researchers led by Professor Helen McShane at Oxford University.

adenovirus, reovirus, measles, herpes simplex, Newcastle disease virus, and vaccinia have been clinically tested as oncolytic agents.

the 5'-terminus of mRNA by soluble guanylyl and methyl transferases from vaccinia virus".

Examples include: historically, Jenner's administration of cowpox (vaccinia) to protect against smallpox (variola); the administration of BCG vaccine.

smallpox or vaccinia).

human orthopoxviruses that includes variola (VARV), cowpox (CPX), and vaccinia (VACV) viruses.

vaccinia's Meaning':

a local infection induced in humans by inoculation with the virus causing cowpox in order to confer resistance to smallpox; normally lasts three weeks and leaves a pitted scar


vaccinia gangrenosa; infection; progressive vaccinia; variola vaccinia; vaccina; variola vaccine; variola vaccina;


good health; incorruptness; legality;

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