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vanishingly Meaning in Bengali

vanishingly's Usage Examples:

black hole as a thin, classically radiating surface (or membrane) at or vanishingly close to the black hole's event horizon.

) even if for some materials this dependence is vanishingly low under given conditions (see Newtonian fluids).

In living muscle, the concentration of metmyoglobin is vanishingly small, due to the presence of the enzyme metmyoglobin reductase, which.

While the static electrical conductivity is vanishingly small in insulators (such as diamond or porcelain), the optical conductivity.

uncommon, and ones that repeat the same subject in the two styles are vanishingly rare; the vase is therefore very often used to illustrate the differences.

this area divided by the time interval Δt in the limit that Δt becomes vanishingly small.

Medieval survivals are vanishingly rare; much the most famous pair is now divided between the Louvre and.

The problem is that in some cases, the gradient will be vanishingly small, effectively preventing the weight from changing its value.

function interaction: worst case behavior is intolerably bad with a vanishingly small probability, and average case behavior can be nearly optimal (minimal.

At its simplest, the theory holds that when gravity becomes vanishingly weak—levels seen only at interstellar distances—it diverges from its.

Many people believe otherwise, citing the vanishingly low probability that there were two millionaire American medical students.

however, that the likelihood of such an event occurring on Earth is vanishingly small because the Earth's weaker gravitational field is much less able.

Severe variants (from nonsense mutations) are vanishingly rare.

beta decay electron (in the process wherein the neutrino receives a vanishingly small amount of kinetic energy) has been measured at 0.

High quality audio analyzers must demonstrate vanishingly low levels of noise, distortion and interference in order to be deemed.

This convergence implies that the Brazilian primes form a vanishingly small fraction of all prime numbers.

those of aircraft in that the aerodynamic forces are of very small, or vanishingly small effect for most of the vehicle's flight, and cannot be used for.

× / × /(×)× / For the four winds blow in from every coast but wrote "vanishingly few" lines of the form of "As gazelles leap a never-resting brook".

This approximation could be made more and more accurate at even vanishingly small shear rates by means of a material parameter that controls the.

breast cancer treatment—and post-mastectomy lymphangiosarcoma is now vanishingly rare.

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