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vegan Meaning in Bengali



vegan শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

বীজ থেকে চারা গজানোর জন্য বীজকে বারবার পানিতে ভেজান ও রোদে শুকানোর দরকার হয় ।

ভেজান গাজর রুটি, গাজর এবং কিসমিস দিয়ে তৈরি হয়েছে ।

মারুতঃ ॥ অর্থ: আত্মাকে অস্ত্রের দ্বারা কাটা যায় না আগুনে পোড়ান যায় না জলে ভেজান যায় না অথবা হাওয়ায় শুকানোও যায় না ।

মেল্ট ইলেক্টিক কেফে একটি ভেজান ৩-উপায় সরবরাহ করে ।

পাকেনি এমন ফল টুকরো টুকরো করে কেটে এবং ভিজিয়ে রাখা হয়, এই ভেজান ফল ক্যারিবিয়ান রান্নায় একটি দুর্দান্ত মাছের বিকল্প তৈরি করে বলে বলা হয় ।

vegan's Usage Examples:

diet or philosophy is known as a vegan.

Distinctions may be made between several categories of veganism.

Dietary vegans, also known as "strict vegetarians".

Raw food diets, specifically raw veganism, may diminish intake of essential minerals and nutrients, such as vitamin.

Veganism involves observing a vegan diet, which is a diet that includes no animals or animal products of any kind.

Some may contain egg whites, which would make them unsuitable for a vegan diet.

Many anarchists are vegetarian or vegan (or veganarchists) and have played a role in combating perceived injustices.

to represent vegetarianism and veganism.

A vegan diet excludes all animal products, including eggs and dairy.

refraining from engaging in promiscuous sex, to following a vegetarian or vegan diet, and to not using caffeine or prescription drugs.

This is a list of vegetarian and vegan restaurants.

The Vegan Society is a registered charity and the oldest vegan society in the world, founded in the United Kingdom in November 1944 by Donald Watson and.

for semi-vegetarianism are demi-vegetarianism, reducetarianism and semi-veganism.

kinds of veggie burgers, including the vegetarian McVeggie and the vegan McVegan, are also served permanently in McDonald's restaurants in: India (McVeggie.

Plant milk (plant-based liquids, alternative milk, nut milk or vegan milk) is a plant juice that resembles the color of milk and refers to manufactured.

More common terms are plant-based meat, vegan meat, meat substitute, mock meat, meat alternative, imitation meat, or vegetarian.

World Vegan Day is an annual event celebrated by vegans around the world every 1 November.

The benefits of veganism for humans and the natural environment.

Vegetarian and vegan dietary practices vary among countries.

The Vegan Prisoners Support Group (VPSG) is an organization based in the United Kingdom that provides support for vegans in prison, primarily vegans who.



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