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vegetative cell Meaning in Bengali


অঙ্গজ সেল,

vegetative cell's Usage Examples:

" Common antibacterial agents that work by destroying vegetative cell walls do not affect endospores.

Tetanus toxin is an extremely potent neurotoxin produced by the vegetative cell of Clostridium tetani in anaerobic conditions, causing tetanus.

more favorable for growth, the akinete can then germinate back into a vegetative cell.

Once a heterocyst has formed it cannot revert to a vegetative cell.

mirabilis exists as a vegetative cell that is approximately 2µm long and has four to ten peritrichous flagella.

In the vegetative cell the flagella are used.

dormant, instead the SPs are repaired during germination to allow the vegetative cell to function normally.

Prokaryotes (bacteria and archaea) usually undergo a vegetative cell division known as binary fission, where their genetic material is segregated.

Bigyra Aplanochytrium, SEM showing one vegetative cell and extended ectoplasmic network.

Each pollen grain contains a vegetative cell, and a generative cell that divides to form two sperm cells.

E, single vegetative cell of M.

as LytD are considered as two major autolysins that contribute to vegetative cell wall growth and account for 95% of the autolytic activity in B.

A cyst of the genus Azotobacter is the resting form of a vegetative cell; however, whereas usual vegetative cells are reproductive, the cyst.

Pollen grains consists of three cells - one vegetative cell containing two generative cells.

Fission may occur spontaneously, as part of the vegetative cell cycle, or it may follow a sexual phenomenon called conjugation, a process.

Fission may occur as part of the normal vegetative cell cycle.

via the conjugation of two sister gametangial cells derived from one vegetative cell.


somatic cell; neoplastic cell; neuroglial cell; fat cell; blood corpuscle; adipose cell; corpuscle; cell; Schwann cell; hybridoma; blood cell; epithelial cell; muscle fiber; nerve cell; muscle fibre; neuron; scavenger cell; labrocyte; neurogliacyte; mastocyte; skin cell; muscle cell; mast cell; target cell; stem cell; visual cell; glial cell; phagocyte; bone cell;


voltaic cell; electrolytic cell;

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